Title: | Stochastic Collision Risk Model |
Description: | Collision Risk Models for avian fauna (seabird and migratory birds) at offshore wind farms. The base deterministic model is derived from Band (2012) <https://tethys.pnnl.gov/publications/using-collision-risk-model-assess-bird-collision-risks-offshore-wind-farms>. This was further expanded on by Masden (2015) <doi:10.7489/1659-1> and code used here is heavily derived from this work with input from Dr A. Cook at the British Trust for Ornithology. These collision risk models are useful for marine ornithologists who are working in the offshore wind industry, particularly in UK waters. However, many of the species included in the stochastic collision risk models (stoch_crm) can also be found in the North Atlantic in the United States and Canada, and could be applied there. |
Authors: | Grant Humphries [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Grant Humphries <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | 1.1.2 |
Built: | 2025-03-12 05:32:36 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/hidef-aerial-surveying/stochlab |
Core function of the Collision Risk Model (CRM). Calculates the expected number of in-flight collisions per month of a seabird species on a given offshore windfarm, for a choice of model options.
Calculations are equivalent to those performed on the original CRM spreadsheet, as per Band (2012), providing backward compatibility with the original outputs.
band_crm( model_options = c("1", "2", "3", "4"), flight_speed, body_lt, wing_span, flight_type, avoid_rt_basic = NULL, avoid_rt_ext = NULL, noct_activity, prop_crh_surv = NULL, dens_month, prop_upwind, site_fhd = NULL, gen_fhd = NULL, rotor_speed, rotor_radius, blade_width, blade_pitch, n_blades, hub_height, chord_prof = chord_prof_5MW, n_turbines, turb_oper_month, wf_width, wf_latitude, tidal_offset, lrg_arr_corr = TRUE, xinc = 0.05, yinc = 0.05, ... )
band_crm( model_options = c("1", "2", "3", "4"), flight_speed, body_lt, wing_span, flight_type, avoid_rt_basic = NULL, avoid_rt_ext = NULL, noct_activity, prop_crh_surv = NULL, dens_month, prop_upwind, site_fhd = NULL, gen_fhd = NULL, rotor_speed, rotor_radius, blade_width, blade_pitch, n_blades, hub_height, chord_prof = chord_prof_5MW, n_turbines, turb_oper_month, wf_width, wf_latitude, tidal_offset, lrg_arr_corr = TRUE, xinc = 0.05, yinc = 0.05, ... )
model_options |
Character vector, the model options for calculating collision risk (see Details section below). |
flight_speed |
Numeric value. The bird flying speed ( |
body_lt |
Numeric value. The length of the bird ( |
wing_span |
Numeric value. The wingspan of the bird ( |
flight_type |
A character string, either 'flapping' or 'gliding', indicating the species' characteristic flight type. |
avoid_rt_basic , avoid_rt_ext
Numeric values. The avoidance rate for, respectively, the basic model (i.e. required for model Options 1 and 2) and the extended model (i.e. required for Options 3 and 4). Avoidance rate expresses the probability that a bird flying on a collision course with a turbine will take evading action to avoid collision. |
noct_activity |
A numeric value. The nocturnal flight activity level,
expressed as a proportion of daytime activity levels ( |
prop_crh_surv |
The proportion of flights at collision risk height derived
from site survey ( |
dens_month |
Data frame, containing estimates of daytime in-flight bird densities per month within the windfarm footprint, in birds/km^2. It must contain the following named columns:
prop_upwind |
Numeric value between 0-1 giving the proportion of flights upwind - defaults to 0.5. |
gen_fhd , site_fhd
Data frame objects, with flight height distributions (fhd) of the species - the relative frequency distribution of bird flights at 1-metre height intervals from sea surface. Specifically:
Data frames must contain the following named columns:
rotor_speed |
Numeric value. The operational rotation speed, in revolutions/min. |
rotor_radius |
Numeric value. The radius of the rotor ( |
blade_width |
Numeric value, giving the maximum blade width, in metres. |
blade_pitch |
Numeric value. The average blade pitch angle, the angle
between the blade surface and the rotor plane ( |
n_blades |
An integer, the number of blades in rotor ( |
hub_height |
A numeric value, the height of the rotor hub ( |
chord_prof |
A data frame with the chord taper profile of the rotor blade. Function expects two named columns:
Defaults to a generic profile for a typical modern 5MW turbine. See
n_turbines |
Integer, the number of turbines on the wind farm
( |
turb_oper_month |
Data frame, holding the proportion of time during which turbines are operational per month. The following named column are expected:
wf_width |
Numeric value, the approximate longitudinal width of the
wind farm, in kilometres ( |
wf_latitude |
A decimal value. The latitude of the centroid of the windfarm, in degrees. |
tidal_offset |
A numeric value, the tidal offset, the difference between HAT and mean sea level, in metres. |
lrg_arr_corr |
Boolean value. If TRUE, the large array correction will be applied. This is a correction factor to account for the decay in bird density at later rows in wind farms with a large array of turbines. |
yinc , xinc
numeric values, the increments along the y-axis and x-axis for numerical integration across segments of the rotor circle. Chosen values express proportion of rotor radius. By default these are set to 0.05, i.e. integration will be performed at a resolution of one twentieth of the rotor radius. |
... |
Additional arguments to pass on when function is called in
Collision risk can be calculated under 4 options, specified by model_options
Option 1 - Basic model with proportion at
collision risk height derived from site survey (prop_crh_surv
Option 2 - Basic model with proportion
at collision risk height derived from a generic flight height distribution
Option 3 - Extended model using a
generic flight height distribution (gen_fhd
Option 4 - Extended model using a
site-specific flight height distribution (site_fhd
Basic model - assumes a uniform distribution of bird flights at collision risk height (i.e. above the minimum and below the maximum height of the rotor blade).
Extended model - takes into account the distribution of bird flight heights at collision risk height.
Returns the expected number of bird collisions per month, for each of
the chosen CRM Options. Returned months are those shared between
and turb_oper_month
. Output format is specific to how
the function is called:
data frame object, if called as a stand-alone function.
list object, if called inside stoch_crm()
requirements and behaviour are dependent on how it is called:
All arguments are expected to be specified as describe above
Input validation and pre-processing are carried out.
Assumes inputs have already been pre-processed and validated, and thence it skips those steps.
Additional arguments rotor_grids
need to be passed to the function. Under the
stochastic context, these quantities can be calculated ahead of the
simulation loop to maximize performance.
, site_fhd
, dens_month
can be provided as numeric vectors
Core code performing Band calculations in Masden (2015) implementation was substantially re-factored, re-structured and streamlined to conform with conventional R packages requirements.
Furthermore, previous code underpinning key calculations for the extended
model was replaced by an alternative approach, resulting in significant gains
in computational speed over Masden's approach. This
optimization is particularly beneficial under a stochastic context, when Band
calculations are called repeatedly, potentially thousands of times. See
for further details.
# ------------------------------------------------------ # Run with arbitrary parameter values, for illustration # ------------------------------------------------------ # Setting a dataframe of parameters to draw from params <- data.frame( flight_speed = 13.1, # Flight speed in m/s body_lt = 0.85, # Body length in m wing_span = 1.01, # Wing span in m flight_type = "flapping", # flapping or gliding flight avoid_rt_basic = 0.989, # avoidance rate for option 1 and 2 avoid_rt_ext = 0.981, # extended avoidance rate for option 3 and 4 noct_activity = 0.5, # proportion of day birds are inactive prop_crh_surv = 0.13, # proportion of birds at collision risk height (option 1 only) prop_upwind = 0.5, # proportion of flights that are upwind rotor_speed = 15, # rotor speed in m/s rotor_radius = 120, # radius of turbine in m blade_width = 5, # width of turbine blades at thickest point in m blade_pitch = 15, # mean radius pitch in Radians n_blades = 3, # total number of blades per turbine hub_height = 150, # height of hub in m above HAT n_turbines = 100, # number of turbines in the wind farm wf_width = 52, # width across longest section of wind farm wf_latitude = 56, # latitude of centroid of wind farm tidal_offset = 2.5, # mean tidal offset from HAT of the wind farm lrg_arr_corr = TRUE # apply a large array correction? ) # Monthly bird densities b_dens <- data.frame( month = month.abb, dens = runif(12, 0.8, 1.5) ) # flight height distribution from Johnston et al gen_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>% dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>% dplyr::select(height,prop) # monthly operational time of the wind farm turb_oper <- data.frame( month = month.abb, prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8) ) band_crm( model_options = c(1,2,3), flight_speed = params$flight_speed, body_lt = params$body_lt, wing_span = params$wing_span, flight_type = params$flight_type, avoid_rt_basic = params$avoid_rt_basic, avoid_rt_ext = params$avoid_rt_ext, noct_activity = params$noct_activity, prop_crh_surv = params$prop_crh_surv, dens_month = b_dens, prop_upwind = params$prop_upwind, gen_fhd = gen_fhd_dat, site_fhd = NULL, # Option 4 only rotor_speed = params$rotor_speed, rotor_radius = params$rotor_radius, blade_width = params$blade_width, blade_pitch = params$blade_pitch, n_blades = params$n_blades, hub_height = params$hub_height, chord_prof = chord_prof_5MW, n_turbines = params$n_turbines, turb_oper_month = turb_oper, wf_width = params$wf_width, wf_latitude = params$wf_latitude, tidal_offset = params$tidal_offset, lrg_arr_corr = params$lrg_arr_corr )
# ------------------------------------------------------ # Run with arbitrary parameter values, for illustration # ------------------------------------------------------ # Setting a dataframe of parameters to draw from params <- data.frame( flight_speed = 13.1, # Flight speed in m/s body_lt = 0.85, # Body length in m wing_span = 1.01, # Wing span in m flight_type = "flapping", # flapping or gliding flight avoid_rt_basic = 0.989, # avoidance rate for option 1 and 2 avoid_rt_ext = 0.981, # extended avoidance rate for option 3 and 4 noct_activity = 0.5, # proportion of day birds are inactive prop_crh_surv = 0.13, # proportion of birds at collision risk height (option 1 only) prop_upwind = 0.5, # proportion of flights that are upwind rotor_speed = 15, # rotor speed in m/s rotor_radius = 120, # radius of turbine in m blade_width = 5, # width of turbine blades at thickest point in m blade_pitch = 15, # mean radius pitch in Radians n_blades = 3, # total number of blades per turbine hub_height = 150, # height of hub in m above HAT n_turbines = 100, # number of turbines in the wind farm wf_width = 52, # width across longest section of wind farm wf_latitude = 56, # latitude of centroid of wind farm tidal_offset = 2.5, # mean tidal offset from HAT of the wind farm lrg_arr_corr = TRUE # apply a large array correction? ) # Monthly bird densities b_dens <- data.frame( month = month.abb, dens = runif(12, 0.8, 1.5) ) # flight height distribution from Johnston et al gen_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>% dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>% dplyr::select(height,prop) # monthly operational time of the wind farm turb_oper <- data.frame( month = month.abb, prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8) ) band_crm( model_options = c(1,2,3), flight_speed = params$flight_speed, body_lt = params$body_lt, wing_span = params$wing_span, flight_type = params$flight_type, avoid_rt_basic = params$avoid_rt_basic, avoid_rt_ext = params$avoid_rt_ext, noct_activity = params$noct_activity, prop_crh_surv = params$prop_crh_surv, dens_month = b_dens, prop_upwind = params$prop_upwind, gen_fhd = gen_fhd_dat, site_fhd = NULL, # Option 4 only rotor_speed = params$rotor_speed, rotor_radius = params$rotor_radius, blade_width = params$blade_width, blade_pitch = params$blade_pitch, n_blades = params$n_blades, hub_height = params$hub_height, chord_prof = chord_prof_5MW, n_turbines = params$n_turbines, turb_oper_month = turb_oper, wf_width = params$wf_width, wf_latitude = params$wf_latitude, tidal_offset = params$tidal_offset, lrg_arr_corr = params$lrg_arr_corr )
A list object comprising parameter values and outputs from Band's worked example for testing the consistency of package functions with the original model and its implementation.
A list object containing:
Bird flight speed, in m/s
rotor radius, in meters
A list object comprising parameter values and outputs from Band's worked example for testing the consistency of package functions with the original model and its implementation.
A list object containing:
Bird flight speed, in m/s
rotor radius, in meters
A data frame of (fake) data on biological parameters of three seabird species.
A 3 x 16 data frame, with the biological parameters (columns) for each of the 3 species (rows). Columns include:
Species name
Mean of basic avoidance rate
SD of basic avoidance rate
Mean of extended avoidance rate
SD of extended avoidance rate
Mean body length
SD of body length
Intended to illustrate the application of stoch_scrm()
to a multiple
scenario setting, where parameter data is available from tables in wide format.
A data.frame giving the blade's chord width profile, i.e. the chord width along the length of the blade, provided as a proportion of its maximum width.
A dataframe
radius at bird passage point, as a proportion of rotor radius (R)
chord width at pp_radius, as a proportion of the maximum chord width
This is a generic profile for a typical modern 5MW turbine used for offshore generation. Due to commercial sensitivities by blade manufacturers, some of this detailed information may not be readily available for each make/model of blade and hence generic information may have to be used.
is numerically identical to "coverC"
should become deprecated in future versions of the code
Wrapper function to run CRM calculations under option 1:
Basic model, i.e. flights across collision risk height are uniformly distributed.
Proportion at collision risk height derived from site survey.
crm_opt1( flux_factor, prop_crh_surv, avg_prob_coll, mth_prop_oper, avoidance_rate, lac_factor )
crm_opt1( flux_factor, prop_crh_surv, avg_prob_coll, mth_prop_oper, avoidance_rate, lac_factor )
flux_factor |
a vector containing the flux factor for each month |
prop_crh_surv |
The proportion of flights at collision risk height derived
from site survey ( |
avg_prob_coll |
A numeric value, the average probability of collision for a single bird
transit through a rotor, assuming no avoidance action ( |
mth_prop_oper |
A numeric vector, the proportion of time during which turbines are operational per month. |
avoidance_rate |
A numeric value within the interval |
lac_factor |
A numerical value, the large array correction factor. Defaults to 1, meaning large array correction is not applicable. |
A numeric vector, the expected number of collisions per month based on model option 1
for calculating the flux factor
flux_fct <- get_flux_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, flight_speed = 13.1, bird_dens = c(1.19,0.85,1.05,1.45,1.41,1.45,1.12,1.45,0.93,0.902,1.06,1.23), daynight_hrs = Day_Length(52), noct_activity = 0.5 ) turb_oper <- data.frame( month = month.abb, prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8) ) turb_oper_month <- turb_oper$prop_oper crm_opt1( flux_factor = flux_fct, prop_crh_surv = 0.13, avg_prob_coll = 0.1494609, mth_prop_oper = turb_oper_month, avoidance_rate = 0.989, lac_factor = 0.9998287)
flux_fct <- get_flux_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, flight_speed = 13.1, bird_dens = c(1.19,0.85,1.05,1.45,1.41,1.45,1.12,1.45,0.93,0.902,1.06,1.23), daynight_hrs = Day_Length(52), noct_activity = 0.5 ) turb_oper <- data.frame( month = month.abb, prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8) ) turb_oper_month <- turb_oper$prop_oper crm_opt1( flux_factor = flux_fct, prop_crh_surv = 0.13, avg_prob_coll = 0.1494609, mth_prop_oper = turb_oper_month, avoidance_rate = 0.989, lac_factor = 0.9998287)
Wrapper function to run CRM calculations under option 2, i.e.:
Basic model, i.e. flights across collision risk height are uniformly distributed
Proportion at collision risk height derived from a flight height
distribution ()
crm_opt2( d_y, flux_factor, avg_prob_coll, mth_prop_oper, avoidance_rate, lac_factor )
crm_opt2( d_y, flux_factor, avg_prob_coll, mth_prop_oper, avoidance_rate, lac_factor )
d_y |
a vector with the proportion of bird flights at height bands within the rotor disc |
flux_factor |
a vector containing the flux factor for each month |
avg_prob_coll |
A numeric value, the average probability of collision for a single bird
transit through a rotor, assuming no avoidance action ( |
mth_prop_oper |
A numeric vector, the proportion of time during which turbines are operational per month. |
avoidance_rate |
A numeric value within the interval |
lac_factor |
A numerical value, the large array correction factor. Defaults to 1, meaning large array correction is not applicable. |
A numeric vector, the expected number of collisions per month based on model Option 2.
, get_flux_factor()
avg_collision_risk <- get_avg_prob_collision( flight_speed = 13.1, body_lt = 0.85, wing_span = 1.01, prop_upwind = 0.5, flap_glide = 1, rotor_speed = 15, rotor_radius = 120, blade_width = 5, blade_pitch = 15, n_blades = 3, chord_prof = chord_prof_5MW ) gen_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>% dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>% dplyr::select(height,prop) gen_fhd <- gen_fhd_dat$prop gen_fhd_at_rotor <- get_fhd_rotor( hub_height = 150, fhd = gen_fhd, rotor_radius = 120, tidal_offset = 2.5, yinc = 0.05) flux_fct <- get_flux_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, flight_speed = 13.1, bird_dens = c(1.19,0.85,1.05,1.45,1.41,1.45,1.12,1.45,0.93,0.902,1.06,1.23), daynight_hrs = Day_Length(52), noct_activity = 0.5 ) turb_oper <- data.frame( month = month.abb, prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8) ) turb_oper_month <- turb_oper$prop_oper crm_opt2( flux_factor = flux_fct, d_y = gen_fhd_at_rotor, avg_prob_coll = avg_collision_risk, mth_prop_oper = turb_oper_month, avoidance_rate = 0.989, lac_factor = 0.9998299)
avg_collision_risk <- get_avg_prob_collision( flight_speed = 13.1, body_lt = 0.85, wing_span = 1.01, prop_upwind = 0.5, flap_glide = 1, rotor_speed = 15, rotor_radius = 120, blade_width = 5, blade_pitch = 15, n_blades = 3, chord_prof = chord_prof_5MW ) gen_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>% dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>% dplyr::select(height,prop) gen_fhd <- gen_fhd_dat$prop gen_fhd_at_rotor <- get_fhd_rotor( hub_height = 150, fhd = gen_fhd, rotor_radius = 120, tidal_offset = 2.5, yinc = 0.05) flux_fct <- get_flux_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, flight_speed = 13.1, bird_dens = c(1.19,0.85,1.05,1.45,1.41,1.45,1.12,1.45,0.93,0.902,1.06,1.23), daynight_hrs = Day_Length(52), noct_activity = 0.5 ) turb_oper <- data.frame( month = month.abb, prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8) ) turb_oper_month <- turb_oper$prop_oper crm_opt2( flux_factor = flux_fct, d_y = gen_fhd_at_rotor, avg_prob_coll = avg_collision_risk, mth_prop_oper = turb_oper_month, avoidance_rate = 0.989, lac_factor = 0.9998299)
Wrapper function to run CRM calculations under option 3, i.e.:
Using the extended model, which takes into account the distribution of bird flight heights at risk height (above the minimum and below the maximum height of the rotor blade)
Using generic flight height distribution data
crm_opt3( rotor_grids, d_y_gen, rotor_radius, blade_width, rotor_speed, blade_pitch, flight_type, wing_span, flight_speed, body_lt, n_blades, prop_upwind, avoidance_rate, flux_factor, mth_prop_oper, lac_factor )
crm_opt3( rotor_grids, d_y_gen, rotor_radius, blade_width, rotor_speed, blade_pitch, flight_type, wing_span, flight_speed, body_lt, n_blades, prop_upwind, avoidance_rate, flux_factor, mth_prop_oper, lac_factor )
rotor_grids |
A list object containing geometric attributes of the rotor
at equidistant points within its unit circle. This object should be
built via the function |
d_y_gen |
a vector with the proportion of birds at height bands within the rotor disc, from a generic flight height distribution |
rotor_radius |
Numeric value. The radius of the rotor ( |
blade_width |
Numeric value, giving the maximum blade width, in metres. |
rotor_speed |
Numeric value. The operational rotation speed, in revolutions/min. |
blade_pitch |
Numeric value. The average blade pitch angle, the angle
between the blade surface and the rotor plane ( |
flight_type |
A character string, either 'flapping' or 'gliding', indicating the species' characteristic flight type. |
wing_span |
Numeric value. The wingspan of the bird ( |
flight_speed |
Numeric value. The bird flying speed ( |
body_lt |
Numeric value. The length of the bird ( |
n_blades |
An integer, the number of blades in rotor ( |
prop_upwind |
Numeric value between 0-1 giving the proportion of flights upwind - defaults to 0.5. |
avoidance_rate |
a numeric value within the interval |
flux_factor |
a vector containing the flux factor for each month |
mth_prop_oper |
A numeric vector, the proportion of time during which turbines are operational per month. |
lac_factor |
A numerical value, the large array correction factor. Defaults to 1, meaning large array correction is not applicable. |
A numeric vector, the expected number of collisions per month based on model option 3
rotor_grids <- generate_rotor_grids(yinc = 0.05, xinc = 0.05, chord_prof_5MW) gen_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>% dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>% dplyr::select(height,prop) gen_fhd <- gen_fhd_dat$prop gen_fhd_at_rotor <- get_fhd_rotor( hub_height = 150, fhd = gen_fhd, rotor_radius = 120, tidal_offset = 2.5, yinc = 0.05) flux_fct <- get_flux_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, flight_speed = 13.1, bird_dens = c(1.19,0.85,1.05,1.45,1.41,1.45,1.12,1.45,0.93,0.902,1.06,1.23), daynight_hrs = Day_Length(52), noct_activity = 0.5 ) turb_oper <- data.frame( month = month.abb, prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8) ) turb_oper_month <- turb_oper$prop_oper crm_opt3( rotor_grids = rotor_grids, d_y_gen = gen_fhd_at_rotor, rotor_radius = 120, blade_width = 5, rotor_speed = 15, blade_pitch = 15, flight_type = "flapping", wing_span = 1.01, flight_speed = 13.1, body_lt = 0.85, n_blades = 3, prop_upwind = 0.5, avoidance_rate = 0.981, flux_factor = flux_fct, mth_prop_oper = turb_oper_month, lac_factor = 0.9998299 )
rotor_grids <- generate_rotor_grids(yinc = 0.05, xinc = 0.05, chord_prof_5MW) gen_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>% dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>% dplyr::select(height,prop) gen_fhd <- gen_fhd_dat$prop gen_fhd_at_rotor <- get_fhd_rotor( hub_height = 150, fhd = gen_fhd, rotor_radius = 120, tidal_offset = 2.5, yinc = 0.05) flux_fct <- get_flux_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, flight_speed = 13.1, bird_dens = c(1.19,0.85,1.05,1.45,1.41,1.45,1.12,1.45,0.93,0.902,1.06,1.23), daynight_hrs = Day_Length(52), noct_activity = 0.5 ) turb_oper <- data.frame( month = month.abb, prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8) ) turb_oper_month <- turb_oper$prop_oper crm_opt3( rotor_grids = rotor_grids, d_y_gen = gen_fhd_at_rotor, rotor_radius = 120, blade_width = 5, rotor_speed = 15, blade_pitch = 15, flight_type = "flapping", wing_span = 1.01, flight_speed = 13.1, body_lt = 0.85, n_blades = 3, prop_upwind = 0.5, avoidance_rate = 0.981, flux_factor = flux_fct, mth_prop_oper = turb_oper_month, lac_factor = 0.9998299 )
Wrapper function to run the CRM calculations under option 4, i.e.:
Using the extended model, which takes into account the distribution of bird flight heights at risk height (above the minimum and below the maximum height of the rotor blade)
Using site-specific flight height distribution of the species obtained from site survey data
crm_opt4( rotor_grids, d_y_surv, rotor_radius, blade_width, rotor_speed, blade_pitch, flight_type, wing_span, flight_speed, body_lt, n_blades, prop_upwind, avoidance_rate, flux_factor, mth_prop_oper, lac_factor )
crm_opt4( rotor_grids, d_y_surv, rotor_radius, blade_width, rotor_speed, blade_pitch, flight_type, wing_span, flight_speed, body_lt, n_blades, prop_upwind, avoidance_rate, flux_factor, mth_prop_oper, lac_factor )
rotor_grids |
A list object containing geometric attributes of the rotor
at equidistant points within its unit circle. This object should be
built via the function |
d_y_surv |
a vector with the proportion of birds at height bands within the rotor disc, from a site-specific flight height distribution |
rotor_radius |
Numeric value. The radius of the rotor ( |
blade_width |
Numeric value, giving the maximum blade width, in metres. |
rotor_speed |
Numeric value. The operational rotation speed, in revolutions/min. |
blade_pitch |
Numeric value. The average blade pitch angle, the angle
between the blade surface and the rotor plane ( |
flight_type |
A character string, either 'flapping' or 'gliding', indicating the species' characteristic flight type. |
wing_span |
Numeric value. The wingspan of the bird ( |
flight_speed |
Numeric value. The bird flying speed ( |
body_lt |
Numeric value. The length of the bird ( |
n_blades |
An integer, the number of blades in rotor ( |
prop_upwind |
Numeric value between 0-1 giving the proportion of flights upwind - defaults to 0.5. |
avoidance_rate |
a numeric value within the interval |
flux_factor |
a vector containing the flux factor for each month |
mth_prop_oper |
A numeric vector, the proportion of time during which turbines are operational per month. |
lac_factor |
A numerical value, the large array correction factor. Defaults to 1, meaning large array correction is not applicable. |
A numeric vector, the expected number of collisions per month based on model option 4
rotor_grids <- generate_rotor_grids(yinc = 0.05, xinc = 0.05, chord_prof_5MW) site_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>% dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>% dplyr::select(height,prop) site_fhd <- site_fhd_dat$prop surv_fhd_at_rotor <- get_fhd_rotor( hub_height = 150, fhd = site_fhd, rotor_radius = 120, tidal_offset = 2.5, yinc = 0.05) flux_fct <- get_flux_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, flight_speed = 13.1, bird_dens = c(1.19,0.85,1.05,1.45,1.41,1.45,1.12,1.45,0.93,0.902,1.06,1.23), daynight_hrs = Day_Length(52), noct_activity = 0.5 ) turb_oper <- data.frame( month = month.abb, prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8) ) turb_oper_month <- turb_oper$prop_oper crm_opt4( rotor_grids = rotor_grids, d_y_surv = surv_fhd_at_rotor, rotor_radius = 120, blade_width = 5, rotor_speed = 15, blade_pitch = 15, flight_type = "flapping", wing_span = 1.01, flight_speed = 13.1, body_lt = 0.85, n_blades = 3, prop_upwind = 0.5, avoidance_rate = 0.981, flux_factor = flux_fct, mth_prop_oper = turb_oper_month, lac_factor = 0.9998299 )
rotor_grids <- generate_rotor_grids(yinc = 0.05, xinc = 0.05, chord_prof_5MW) site_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>% dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>% dplyr::select(height,prop) site_fhd <- site_fhd_dat$prop surv_fhd_at_rotor <- get_fhd_rotor( hub_height = 150, fhd = site_fhd, rotor_radius = 120, tidal_offset = 2.5, yinc = 0.05) flux_fct <- get_flux_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, flight_speed = 13.1, bird_dens = c(1.19,0.85,1.05,1.45,1.41,1.45,1.12,1.45,0.93,0.902,1.06,1.23), daynight_hrs = Day_Length(52), noct_activity = 0.5 ) turb_oper <- data.frame( month = month.abb, prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8) ) turb_oper_month <- turb_oper$prop_oper crm_opt4( rotor_grids = rotor_grids, d_y_surv = surv_fhd_at_rotor, rotor_radius = 120, blade_width = 5, rotor_speed = 15, blade_pitch = 15, flight_type = "flapping", wing_span = 1.01, flight_speed = 13.1, body_lt = 0.85, n_blades = 3, prop_upwind = 0.5, avoidance_rate = 0.981, flux_factor = flux_fct, mth_prop_oper = turb_oper_month, lac_factor = 0.9998299 )
Taken from Forsythe et al.(1995) A model comparison for daylength as a function of latitude and day of year. Ecological Modelling. 80: 87 - 95
wf_latitude |
A decimal value. The latitude of the centroid of the windfarm, in degrees. |
data frame with total number of daylight hours and night hours in each month at the specified latitude.
x <- Day_Length(54.6)
x <- Day_Length(54.6)
A data frame of (fake) monthly bird density parameters for three seabird species.
A 3 x 25 data frame, with the monthly density parameters (columns) for each of the 3 species (rows). Columns include:
Species name
January mean density
SD of density in January
February mean density
SD of density in February
Intended to illustrate the application of stoch_scrm()
to a multiple
scenario setting, where parameter data is available from tables in wide
Format any month name to three letter code
months |
character string or vector. The name of the month |
a character string. The three letter name of the month
Generates a list of grids containing geometric attributes of the
rotor disk at equidistant locations, taking the center of the rotor as
the reference point and overlaying the left-half of the rotor disk. The
size of grid cells are determined by xinc
and yinc
, and their
values map properties of the rotor at the cell's location.
generate_rotor_grids(yinc = 0.05, xinc = 0.05, chord_prof)
generate_rotor_grids(yinc = 0.05, xinc = 0.05, chord_prof)
yinc , xinc
numeric values, the grid increments along the y-axis and x-axis (i.e. grid cell dimensions) |
chord_prof |
A data frame with the chord taper profile of the rotor blade. Function expects two named columns:
Defaults to a generic profile for a typical modern 5MW turbine. See
These grids are required for an alternative approach to the calculation of probability of collision under the extended model (i.e. non-uniform flight distribution at risk height).
Functions xrisksum2
, pcollxy
and pcoll
used in Masden
& Cook implementation (PCollFunctions.r
script) were based on Visual
Basic computations available in the original Band worksheet. This Visual
Basic code was devised under a deterministic context, i.e. for one single
set of collision calculations for one given species and turbine scenario.
However, in a stochastic context, where potentially thousands of collision
calculations are performed per species and turbine scenario, it became
clear that xrisksum2
and associated functions were highly
inefficient for the task at hand.
The alternative approach streamlines computations by calculating (relative)
rotor geometric attributes outside the stochastic sampling loop, which
remain constant over iterations. These elements, calculated via
, are then applied to sampled parameters
via vectorized operations. The number of calculations per iteration are
thence substantially reduced, leading to significant gains in computational
speed over Masden's implementation for a 1000 iterations
A list with the following elements, taking the center of the rotor as the origin in the rotor's plane:
, a 2D array of horizontal distances from the rotor's
horizontal axis, as proportion of rotor radius, at each grid point
, a 2D array of vertical distances from the rotor's
vertical axis, as proportion of rotor radius, at each grid point
, a 2D array of radial distances from rotor center,
as proportion of rotor radius, at each grid point
, a 2D array of angles, relative to vertical, at
each grid point
, a 2D array of blade chord width at each grid
All elements are representative of the left-half of the rotor circle
, get_y_grid()
rotor_grids <- generate_rotor_grids(yinc = 0.05, xinc = 0.05, chord_prof_5MW)
rotor_grids <- generate_rotor_grids(yinc = 0.05, xinc = 0.05, chord_prof_5MW)
A list object comprising bootstrap samples of the generic flight height distribution (FHD) of 25 seabird species. FHD is expressed as the proportion of bird flights at 1 metre height intervals.
A list object with 25 elements, one for each species, containing a data frame with 500 bootstrap samples of the distribution of bird flights with height. Each nested data frame contains:
Height above sea level, in metres. First element represents the 0-1 meters height band, and height interval is 1 metre.
First bootstrap sample of the proportion of birds flights within each height interval
200th bootstrap sample of the proportion of birds flights within each height interval
Calculate the average probability of collision for a single bird transit at any point across the rotor, assuming no avoidance action. Required for the Basic model calculations, where flights at collision risk height are assumed to be uniformly distributed.
get_avg_prob_collision( flight_speed, body_lt, wing_span, prop_upwind = 0.5, flap_glide, rotor_speed, rotor_radius, blade_width, blade_pitch, n_blades, chord_prof = chord_prof_5MW )
get_avg_prob_collision( flight_speed, body_lt, wing_span, prop_upwind = 0.5, flap_glide, rotor_speed, rotor_radius, blade_width, blade_pitch, n_blades, chord_prof = chord_prof_5MW )
flight_speed |
Numeric value. The bird flying speed ( |
body_lt |
Numeric value. The length of the bird ( |
wing_span |
Numeric value. The wingspan of the bird ( |
prop_upwind |
Numeric value between 0-1 giving the proportion of flights upwind - defaults to 0.5. |
flap_glide |
Numeric value representing the correction for flapping or
gliding birds ( |
rotor_speed |
Numeric value. The operational rotation speed, in revolutions/min. |
rotor_radius |
Numeric value. The radius of the rotor ( |
blade_width |
Numeric value, giving the maximum blade width, in metres. |
blade_pitch |
Numeric value. The average blade pitch angle, the angle
between the blade surface and the rotor plane ( |
n_blades |
An integer, the number of blades in rotor ( |
chord_prof |
A data frame with the chord taper profile of the rotor blade. Function expects two named columns:
Defaults to a generic profile for a typical modern 5MW turbine. See
Methodology and assumptions underpinning get_avg_prob_collision
are described in "Stage C" of
Band (2012).
A numeric value. The average collision probability (risk) for a bird flying through any point of the rotor circle area.
get_avg_prob_collision( flight_speed = 13.1, body_lt = 0.85, wing_span = 1.01, prop_upwind = 0.5, flap_glide = 1, rotor_speed = 15, rotor_radius = 120, blade_width = 5, blade_pitch = 15, n_blades = 3, chord_prof = chord_prof_5MW )
get_avg_prob_collision( flight_speed = 13.1, body_lt = 0.85, wing_span = 1.01, prop_upwind = 0.5, flap_glide = 1, rotor_speed = 15, rotor_radius = 120, blade_width = 5, blade_pitch = 15, n_blades = 3, chord_prof = chord_prof_5MW )
Provides the number of collisions expected to occur by month. The basic model assumes a uniform distribution of bird flights at risk height (i.e. between min and max rotor height).
get_collisions_basic( n_transits, avg_prob_coll, mth_prop_oper, avoidance_rate, lac_factor = 1 )
get_collisions_basic( n_transits, avg_prob_coll, mth_prop_oper, avoidance_rate, lac_factor = 1 )
n_transits |
A numeric vector, the estimated number of bird flights crossing the rotors of the wind farm at each time period. |
avg_prob_coll |
A numeric value, the average probability of collision for a single bird
transit through a rotor, assuming no avoidance action ( |
mth_prop_oper |
A numeric vector, the proportion of time during which turbines are operational per month. |
avoidance_rate |
A numeric value within the interval |
lac_factor |
A numerical value, the large array correction factor. Defaults to 1, meaning large array correction is not applicable. |
A numeric vector. The expected number of collisions at each time periods
turb_oper <- data.frame( month = month.abb, prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8) ) mth_oper_month <- turb_oper$prop_oper flux_factor <- get_flux_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, flight_speed = 13.1, bird_dens = c(1.19,0.85,1.05,1.45,1.41,1.45,1.12,1.45,0.93,0.902,1.06,1.23), daynight_hrs = Day_Length(52), noct_activity = 0.5 ) prop_crh_surv <- 0.13 n_transits_opt1 <- flux_factor * prop_crh_surv get_collisions_basic( n_transits = n_transits_opt1, avg_prob_coll = 0.1494609, mth_prop_oper = mth_oper_month, avoidance_rate = 0.989, lac_factor = 0.9998287 )
turb_oper <- data.frame( month = month.abb, prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8) ) mth_oper_month <- turb_oper$prop_oper flux_factor <- get_flux_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, flight_speed = 13.1, bird_dens = c(1.19,0.85,1.05,1.45,1.41,1.45,1.12,1.45,0.93,0.902,1.06,1.23), daynight_hrs = Day_Length(52), noct_activity = 0.5 ) prop_crh_surv <- 0.13 n_transits_opt1 <- flux_factor * prop_crh_surv get_collisions_basic( n_transits = n_transits_opt1, avg_prob_coll = 0.1494609, mth_prop_oper = mth_oper_month, avoidance_rate = 0.989, lac_factor = 0.9998287 )
Calculates the expected number of collisions under the extended model, i.e. taking into account the distribution of bird flight heights at risk height (above the minimum and below the maximum height of the rotor blade)
get_collisions_extended( rotor_grids, d_y, rotor_radius, blade_width, rotor_speed, blade_pitch, flight_type, wing_span, flight_speed, body_lt, n_blades, prop_upwind, avoidance_rate, flux_factor, mth_prop_oper, lac_factor )
get_collisions_extended( rotor_grids, d_y, rotor_radius, blade_width, rotor_speed, blade_pitch, flight_type, wing_span, flight_speed, body_lt, n_blades, prop_upwind, avoidance_rate, flux_factor, mth_prop_oper, lac_factor )
rotor_grids |
A list object containing geometric attributes of the rotor
at equidistant points within its unit circle. This object should be
built via the function |
d_y |
a vector with the proportion of birds at height bands within the rotor disc |
rotor_radius |
Numeric value. The radius of the rotor ( |
blade_width |
Numeric value, giving the maximum blade width, in metres. |
rotor_speed |
Numeric value. The operational rotation speed, in revolutions/min. |
blade_pitch |
Numeric value. The average blade pitch angle, the angle
between the blade surface and the rotor plane ( |
flight_type |
A character string, either 'flapping' or 'gliding', indicating the species' characteristic flight type. |
wing_span |
Numeric value. The wingspan of the bird ( |
flight_speed |
Numeric value. The bird flying speed ( |
body_lt |
Numeric value. The length of the bird ( |
n_blades |
An integer, the number of blades in rotor ( |
prop_upwind |
Numeric value between 0-1 giving the proportion of flights upwind - defaults to 0.5. |
avoidance_rate |
a numeric value within the interval |
flux_factor |
a vector containing the flux factor for each month |
mth_prop_oper |
A numeric vector, the proportion of time during which turbines are operational per month. |
lac_factor |
A numerical value, the large array correction factor. Defaults to 1, meaning large array correction is not applicable. |
Numeric vector with the expected number of collisions per month based on the extended model
The original Masden code for extendend model (Option 3) included the calculation of the "Flux Integral" and "Average collision risk for single rotor transit". These quantities are not required for the calculation of collisions under the extended model, nor are used anywhere else in the package. Therefore, those calculations were dropped from the current implementation to keep computations to a minimum required.
rotor_grids <- generate_rotor_grids(yinc = 0.05, xinc = 0.05, chord_prof_5MW) gen_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>% dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>% dplyr::select(height,prop) gen_fhd <- gen_fhd_dat$prop gen_fhd_at_rotor <- get_fhd_rotor( hub_height = 150, fhd = gen_fhd, rotor_radius = 120, tidal_offset = 2.5, yinc = 0.05) flux_fct <- get_flux_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, flight_speed = 13.1, bird_dens = c(1.19,0.85,1.05,1.45,1.41,1.45,1.12,1.45,0.93,0.902,1.06,1.23), daynight_hrs = Day_Length(52), noct_activity = 0.5 ) turb_oper <- data.frame( month = month.abb, prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8) ) turb_oper_month <- turb_oper$prop_oper get_collisions_extended( rotor_grids = rotor_grids, d_y = gen_fhd_at_rotor, # ... with generic FHD = Option 3, with site FHD = Option 4 rotor_radius = 120, blade_width = 5, rotor_speed = 15, blade_pitch = 15, flight_type = "flapping", wing_span = 1.01, flight_speed = 13.1, body_lt = 0.85, n_blades = 3, prop_upwind = 0.5, avoidance_rate = 0.981, flux_factor = flux_fct, mth_prop_oper = turb_oper_month, lac_factor = 0.9998299 )
rotor_grids <- generate_rotor_grids(yinc = 0.05, xinc = 0.05, chord_prof_5MW) gen_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>% dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>% dplyr::select(height,prop) gen_fhd <- gen_fhd_dat$prop gen_fhd_at_rotor <- get_fhd_rotor( hub_height = 150, fhd = gen_fhd, rotor_radius = 120, tidal_offset = 2.5, yinc = 0.05) flux_fct <- get_flux_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, flight_speed = 13.1, bird_dens = c(1.19,0.85,1.05,1.45,1.41,1.45,1.12,1.45,0.93,0.902,1.06,1.23), daynight_hrs = Day_Length(52), noct_activity = 0.5 ) turb_oper <- data.frame( month = month.abb, prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8) ) turb_oper_month <- turb_oper$prop_oper get_collisions_extended( rotor_grids = rotor_grids, d_y = gen_fhd_at_rotor, # ... with generic FHD = Option 3, with site FHD = Option 4 rotor_radius = 120, blade_width = 5, rotor_speed = 15, blade_pitch = 15, flight_type = "flapping", wing_span = 1.01, flight_speed = 13.1, body_lt = 0.85, n_blades = 3, prop_upwind = 0.5, avoidance_rate = 0.981, flux_factor = flux_fct, mth_prop_oper = turb_oper_month, lac_factor = 0.9998299 )
Derive the expected proportion of bird flights at equidistant
height bands between the lowest and highest points of the rotor. In other
words, returns the flight height distribution at collision risk
get_fhd_rotor(hub_height, fhd, rotor_radius, tidal_offset, yinc = 0.05)
get_fhd_rotor(hub_height, fhd, rotor_radius, tidal_offset, yinc = 0.05)
hub_height |
A numeric value, the height of the rotor hub ( |
fhd |
A numeric vector, the proportion of bird flights per-1 metre height bands from sea surface, starting from 0-1 metre band. |
rotor_radius |
A numeric value, the radius of the rotor ( |
tidal_offset |
A numeric value, the tidal offset, the difference between HAT and mean sea level, in metres. |
yinc |
A numeric value, the increment for height bands between the lowest and highest points of the rotor, expressed as a proportion of rotor radius (defaults is 0.05). |
A numeric vector, the flight height distribution at collision risk, i.e. between minimum and maximum rotor height.
gen_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>% dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>% dplyr::select(height,prop) if(is.data.frame(gen_fhd_dat)) gen_fhd <- gen_fhd_dat$prop get_fhd_rotor( hub_height = 150, fhd = gen_fhd, rotor_radius = 120, tidal_offset = 2.5, yinc = 0.05)
gen_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>% dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>% dplyr::select(height,prop) if(is.data.frame(gen_fhd_dat)) gen_fhd <- gen_fhd_dat$prop get_fhd_rotor( hub_height = 150, fhd = gen_fhd, rotor_radius = 120, tidal_offset = 2.5, yinc = 0.05)
Returns the flux factor, expressing the total number of bird flights through the rotors of the wind farm per month if all flights occurred within the rotor's circle area of all turbines, i.e. before the proportion at risk height and avoidance level are taken into account.
get_flux_factor( n_turbines, rotor_radius, flight_speed, bird_dens, daynight_hrs, noct_activity )
get_flux_factor( n_turbines, rotor_radius, flight_speed, bird_dens, daynight_hrs, noct_activity )
n_turbines |
An integer, the number of turbines on the wind farm ( |
rotor_radius |
A numeric value, the radius of the rotor ( |
flight_speed |
A numeric value, the bird flight speed ( |
bird_dens |
A numeric vector with daytime in-flight bird densities ( |
daynight_hrs |
A data frame with the total number of daylight hours and night hours at the wind farm site's location, in each month. It must contain, at least, the following columns:
noct_activity |
A numeric value. The nocturnal flight activity level,
expressed as a proportion of daytime activity levels ( |
The flux factor is used for other model calculations.
Methodology and assumptions underpinning
are described in "Stage B" of
Band (2012)
The number of bird flights potentially transiting through rotors at each time period (assuming no avoidance), if all flights occur within the rotor's circular area.
get_flux_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, flight_speed = 13.1, bird_dens = c(1.19,0.85,1.05,1.45,1.41,1.45,1.12,1.45,0.93,0.902,1.06,1.23), daynight_hrs = Day_Length(52), noct_activity = 0.5 )
get_flux_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, flight_speed = 13.1, bird_dens = c(1.19,0.85,1.05,1.45,1.41,1.45,1.12,1.45,0.93,0.902,1.06,1.23), daynight_hrs = Day_Length(52), noct_activity = 0.5 )
A correction factor for large windfarms with a large array of turbines, to take into account the depletion of bird density in later rows of the site.
get_lac_factor( n_turbines, rotor_radius, avoidance_rate, avg_prob_coll, avg_prop_operational, wf_width )
get_lac_factor( n_turbines, rotor_radius, avoidance_rate, avg_prob_coll, avg_prop_operational, wf_width )
n_turbines |
Integer, the number of turbines on the wind farm
( |
rotor_radius |
Numeric value, the radius of the rotor ( |
avoidance_rate |
Numeric value within the interval |
avg_prob_coll |
Numeric value, the average probability of collision
for a single bird transit through a rotor, assuming no avoidance action
( |
avg_prop_operational |
Numeric value, the average proportion of time turbines are operational through the year. |
wf_width |
Numeric value, the approximate longitudinal width of the
wind farm, in kilometres ( |
The large array correction factor to be applied
get_lac_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, avoidance_rate = 0.989, avg_prob_coll = 0.1494609, avg_prop_operational = 0.6388292, wf_width = 52 )
get_lac_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, avoidance_rate = 0.989, avg_prob_coll = 0.1494609, avg_prop_operational = 0.6388292, wf_width = 52 )
Returns the migratory flux factor, expressing the total number of bird flights through the rotors of the wind farm per month, if all flights occur within the rotor's circle area of all turbines, and assuming birds take no avoiding action.
get_mig_flux_factor(n_turbines, rotor_radius, wf_width, popn_est)
get_mig_flux_factor(n_turbines, rotor_radius, wf_width, popn_est)
n_turbines |
An integer. The number of turbines on the wind farm ( |
rotor_radius |
An integer. The radius of the rotor ( |
wf_width |
An integer. The width (in km) of the |
popn_est |
An integer. The population estimate from the spatial line sampling technique |
The flux factor is used for other model calculations.
Methodology and assumptions underpinning
are described in "Stage B" of
Band (2012)
The number of bird flights potentially transiting through rotors at each time period (assuming no avoidance), if all flights occur within the rotor's circular area
get_mig_flux_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, wf_width = 51, popn_est = 10000 )
get_mig_flux_factor( n_turbines = 100, rotor_radius = 120, wf_width = 51, popn_est = 10000 )
Calculates single transit collision risk at grid points (X, Y) inside the left-half of the rotor circle, for a given flight direction (upwind or downwind), and assuming no avoidance action. The origin of the (X, Y) coordinates is the rotor center
get_pcoll_grid( rotor_grids, direction, rotor_radius, blade_width, rotor_speed, blade_pitch, flight_type, n_blades, flight_speed, wing_span, body_lt )
get_pcoll_grid( rotor_grids, direction, rotor_radius, blade_width, rotor_speed, blade_pitch, flight_type, n_blades, flight_speed, wing_span, body_lt )
rotor_grids |
A list object containing geometric attributes of the rotor
at equidistant points within its unit circle. This object should be
built via the function |
direction |
an integer, indicating the flight direction: 1 for upwind; -1 for downwind. |
rotor_radius |
Numeric value. The radius of the rotor ( |
blade_width |
Numeric value, giving the maximum blade width, in metres. |
rotor_speed |
Numeric value. The operational rotation speed, in revolutions/min. |
blade_pitch |
Numeric value. The average blade pitch angle, the angle
between the blade surface and the rotor plane ( |
flight_type |
A character string, either 'flapping' or 'gliding', indicating the species' characteristic flight type. |
n_blades |
An integer, the number of blades in rotor ( |
flight_speed |
Numeric value. The bird flying speed ( |
wing_span |
Numeric value. The wingspan of the bird ( |
body_lt |
Numeric value. The length of the bird ( |
Methodology and assumptions underpinning get_pcoll_grid
described in section "Extended Approach Taking Account Of Flight Heights" of
Band (2012). Note that collision risk calculations are based on equation (3)
in "Stage C" section, but using (X, Y) coordinates to reference transit
points instead of the equivalent (r, phi) coordinates.
a matrix. The probability of collisions at different flight height bands
rotor_grids <- generate_rotor_grids(yinc = 0.05, xinc = 0.05, chord_prof_5MW) get_pcoll_grid( rotor_grids = rotor_grids, direction = 1, rotor_radius = 120, blade_width = 5, rotor_speed = 15, blade_pitch = 15, flight_type = "flapping", n_blades = 3, flight_speed = 13.1, wing_span = 1.01, body_lt = 0.85)
rotor_grids <- generate_rotor_grids(yinc = 0.05, xinc = 0.05, chord_prof_5MW) get_pcoll_grid( rotor_grids = rotor_grids, direction = 1, rotor_radius = 120, blade_width = 5, rotor_speed = 15, blade_pitch = 15, flight_type = "flapping", n_blades = 3, flight_speed = 13.1, wing_span = 1.01, body_lt = 0.85)
and the rotor's vertical axisGiven grids of vertical and horizontal distances from rotor axes
at points inside the rotor circle,
calculates the associated radial angles, relative to the rotor vertical axis.
Returned grid represents the left-half of the rotor's circle.
get_phi_grid(x_grid, y_grid)
get_phi_grid(x_grid, y_grid)
x_grid |
A 2D array, with horizontal distances |
y_grid |
A 2D array, with vertical distances ( |
A 2D array, giving a grid of angles (in radians) between points
inside the rotor circle and the rotor center, for the
left-half of the rotor circle area.
x_grid <- get_x_grid(yinc=0.05, xinc=0.05) y_grid <- get_y_grid(x_grid,yinc=0.05) get_phi_grid(x_grid,y_grid)
x_grid <- get_x_grid(yinc=0.05, xinc=0.05) y_grid <- get_y_grid(x_grid,yinc=0.05) get_phi_grid(x_grid,y_grid)
Calculate the expected proportion of bird flights at collision risk
height (i.e. at rotor height, between bottom and top of the rotor) based on the
bird's flight height distribution ().
d_y |
Numeric vector with the proportion of birds at height bands across the rotor disc |
The total proportion of birds at collision risk height derived from a flight height distribution
gen_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>% dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>% dplyr::select(height,prop) gen_fhd <- gen_fhd_dat$prop d_y <- get_fhd_rotor( hub_height = 150, fhd = gen_fhd, rotor_radius = 120, tidal_offset = 2.5, yinc = 0.05) prop_chr_fhd <- get_prop_crh_fhd(d_y)
gen_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>% dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>% dplyr::select(height,prop) gen_fhd <- gen_fhd_dat$prop d_y <- get_fhd_rotor( hub_height = 150, fhd = gen_fhd, rotor_radius = 120, tidal_offset = 2.5, yinc = 0.05) prop_chr_fhd <- get_prop_crh_fhd(d_y)
Calculates the single transit collision risk/probability along the horizontal
chord of the rotor at height via numerical integration.
get_risk_y(x_at_y, pcoll_doty)
get_risk_y(x_at_y, pcoll_doty)
x_at_y |
a vector, sequence of horizontal distances from rotor's
vertical axis to points |
pcoll_doty |
a vector, the single transit collision risk at horizontal
distances |
a numeric value, the single transit collision risk along the whole
horizontal chord of the rotor circle at height band
, get_pcoll_grid()
rotor_grids <- generate_rotor_grids(yinc = 0.05, xinc = 0.05, chord_prof_5MW) y_lt <- dim(rotor_grids$r_grid)[1] pcollxy_grid_up <- get_pcoll_grid( rotor_grids = rotor_grids, direction = 1, rotor_radius = 120, blade_width = 5, rotor_speed = 15, blade_pitch = 15, flight_type = "flapping", n_blades = 3, flight_speed = 13.1, wing_span = 1.01, body_lt = 0.85) risk_up <- rep(NA, y_lt) for(i in 1:y_lt){ risk_up[i] <- get_risk_y(rotor_grids$x_grid[i, ], pcollxy_grid_up[i, ]) }
rotor_grids <- generate_rotor_grids(yinc = 0.05, xinc = 0.05, chord_prof_5MW) y_lt <- dim(rotor_grids$r_grid)[1] pcollxy_grid_up <- get_pcoll_grid( rotor_grids = rotor_grids, direction = 1, rotor_radius = 120, blade_width = 5, rotor_speed = 15, blade_pitch = 15, flight_type = "flapping", n_blades = 3, flight_speed = 13.1, wing_span = 1.01, body_lt = 0.85) risk_up <- rep(NA, y_lt) for(i in 1:y_lt){ risk_up[i] <- get_risk_y(rotor_grids$x_grid[i, ], pcollxy_grid_up[i, ]) }
Taking the center of the rotor circle as the origin,
generates a grid containing horizontal distances
increments) from the y-axis up to the outer edge of the
rotor circle, at equidistant height bands (by
increments) between minimum and maximum rotor height.
Distances are expressed as proportion of rotor radius (i.e. is
Returned grid represents the left-half of the rotor's circle.
get_x_grid(xinc = 0.05, yinc = 0.05)
get_x_grid(xinc = 0.05, yinc = 0.05)
xinc , yinc
numeric values, the grid increments along the y-axis and x-axis (i.e. grid cell dimensions) |
A 2D array giving a grid of horizontal distances from rotor's
vertical axis, expressed as the proportion of rotor radius (i.e.
), for the left-half of the rotor circle area.
Taking the center of the rotor circle as the origin,
generates a grid of vertical distances (by
increments) from the x-axis to the outer edge of the rotor
circle, across width intervals (by
increments) between
the center and maximum rotor width.
Returned grid represents the left-half of the rotor's circle.
Distances are expressed as proportion of rotor radius (i.e. is
get_y_grid(x_grid, yinc = 0.05)
get_y_grid(x_grid, yinc = 0.05)
x_grid |
A 2D array, with horizontal distances from the rotor's vertical axis, expressed as the proportion of rotor radius, for the left-half of the rotor circle area. |
yinc |
a numeric value, the grid increment along the y-axis |
2D array giving a grid of vertical distances from the rotor's
horizontal axis, expressed as the proportion of rotor radius, for
the left-half of the rotor circle area. Negative values represent distances
from the bottom half of the rotor circle.
x_grid <- get_x_grid(yinc=0.05, xinc=0.05) get_y_grid(x_grid,yinc=0.05)
x_grid <- get_x_grid(yinc=0.05, xinc=0.05) get_y_grid(x_grid,yinc=0.05)
A dataframe containing flight height profiles for all species in Johnston et al. (2014). Values are expressed as the proportion of birds in 1 metre height intervals.
A data frame object with 3 columns containing the maximum likelihood, the median, and Upper/Lower confidence limits of flight height distributions. Flight height bands go from 1 - 300m ASL.
Height above sea level, in metres. First element represents the 0-1 meters height band, and height interval is 1 metre.
The species name and variable from Johnston et al 2014 estimates. E.G., ArcticSkua.est is the maximum likelihood estimate from those models. .est = maximum likelihood, .lcl and .ucl are the lower and upper 95% CLs, and .med is the median estimate.
The proportion of birds within the 1m flight height bands.
Run migration stochastic collision risk model for a single species and one turbine scenario
mig_stoch_crm( wing_span_pars, flt_speed_pars, body_lt_pars, prop_crh_pars, avoid_bsc_pars, n_turbines, n_blades = 3, rtn_speed_pars, bld_pitch_pars, rtr_radius_pars, bld_width_pars, wf_width, wf_latitude, flight_type, prop_upwind = 0.5, popn_estim_pars, season_specs, chord_profile = chord_prof_5MW, trb_wind_avbl, trb_downtime_pars, n_iter = 10, LargeArrayCorrection = TRUE, log_file = NULL, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE )
mig_stoch_crm( wing_span_pars, flt_speed_pars, body_lt_pars, prop_crh_pars, avoid_bsc_pars, n_turbines, n_blades = 3, rtn_speed_pars, bld_pitch_pars, rtr_radius_pars, bld_width_pars, wf_width, wf_latitude, flight_type, prop_upwind = 0.5, popn_estim_pars, season_specs, chord_profile = chord_prof_5MW, trb_wind_avbl, trb_downtime_pars, n_iter = 10, LargeArrayCorrection = TRUE, log_file = NULL, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE )
wing_span_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
flt_speed_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
body_lt_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
prop_crh_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
avoid_bsc_pars |
Single row data frame with columns
n_turbines |
An integer. The number of turbines expected to be installed |
n_blades |
An integer. The number of blades per turbine (defaults to 3) |
rtn_speed_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
bld_pitch_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
rtr_radius_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
bld_width_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
wf_width |
Numeric value, the approximate longitudinal width of the
wind farm, in kilometres ( |
wf_latitude |
A decimal value. The latitude of the centroid of the windfarm, in degrees. |
flight_type |
A character. Either "flying" or "gliding" representing the type of flight most commonly used by the species |
prop_upwind |
Numeric value between 0-1 giving the proportion of flights upwind - defaults to 0.5. |
popn_estim_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
season_specs |
A data frame defining the seasons for aggregating over collision estimates. It must comprise the following columns:
chord_profile |
A data frame with the chord taper profile of the rotor blade. It must contain the columns:
trb_wind_avbl |
A data frame with the monthly estimates of operational wind availability. It must contain the columns:
trb_downtime_pars |
A data frame with monthly estimates of maintenance downtime, assumed to follow a tnorm-lw0 distribution. It must contain the following columns:
n_iter |
An integer > 0. The number of iterations for the model simulation. |
LargeArrayCorrection |
A boolean. Should the large array correction be calculated |
log_file |
Path to log file to store session info and main model run options. If set to NULL (default value), log file is not created. |
seed |
Integer, the random seed for random number generation, for analysis reproducibility. |
verbose |
boolean. TRUE for a verbose output |
This function is an adaption of code from Masden(2015) used for estimating the collision risk of seabirds in offshore windfarm sites and is a further adaptation from Band(2012). It is a further adaptation of the stoch_crm function.
The collision risk model evaluates risk for each defined migratory period where flux rate is simply the number of birds travelling through the windfarm.
Changes in relation to previous top-line function stoch_crm
function will run only option 1 for migratory species
Estimates of number of collisions per migratory season for the n number of iterations specified
# ------------------------------------------------------ # Run with arbitrary parameter values, for illustration # ------------------------------------------------------ season_specs <- data.frame( season_id = c("PrBMigration", "PoBMigration","OMigration"), start_month = c("Mar", "May", "Oct"), end_month = c("Apr", "Sep", "Feb") ) # wind availability windavb <- data.frame( month = month.abb, pctg = runif(12, 85, 98) ) head(windavb) # maintenance downtime dwntm <- data.frame( month = month.abb, mean = runif(12, 6, 10), sd = rep(2, 12)) head(dwntm) mig_stoch_crm( # Wing span in m, wing_span_pars = data.frame(mean = 1.08, sd = 0.04), # Flight speed in m/s flt_speed_pars = data.frame(mean = 7.26, sd = 1.5), # Body length in m, body_lt_pars = data.frame(mean = 0.39, sd = 0.005), # Proportion of birds at CRH prop_crh_pars = data.frame(mean = 0.06, sd = 0.009), # avoidance rate avoid_bsc_pars = data.frame(mean = 0.99, sd = 0.001), n_turbines = 150, n_blades = 3, # rotation speed in m/s of turbine blades rtn_speed_pars = data.frame(mean = 13.1, sd = 4), # pitch in degrees of turbine blades bld_pitch_pars = data.frame(mean = 3, sd = 0.3), # sd = 0, rotor radius is fixed rtr_radius_pars = data.frame(mean = 80, sd = 0), # sd = 0, blade width is fixed bld_width_pars = data.frame(mean = 8, sd = 0), wf_width = 100, wf_latitude = 54.1, prop_upwind = 0.5, flight_type = "flapping", # population flying through windfarm, popn_estim_pars = data.frame(mean = 21584, sd = 2023), season_specs = season_specs, chord_profile = chord_prof_5MW, trb_wind_avbl = windavb, trb_downtime_pars = dwntm, n_iter = 1000, LargeArrayCorrection = TRUE, log_file = NULL, seed = 1234, verbose = TRUE)
# ------------------------------------------------------ # Run with arbitrary parameter values, for illustration # ------------------------------------------------------ season_specs <- data.frame( season_id = c("PrBMigration", "PoBMigration","OMigration"), start_month = c("Mar", "May", "Oct"), end_month = c("Apr", "Sep", "Feb") ) # wind availability windavb <- data.frame( month = month.abb, pctg = runif(12, 85, 98) ) head(windavb) # maintenance downtime dwntm <- data.frame( month = month.abb, mean = runif(12, 6, 10), sd = rep(2, 12)) head(dwntm) mig_stoch_crm( # Wing span in m, wing_span_pars = data.frame(mean = 1.08, sd = 0.04), # Flight speed in m/s flt_speed_pars = data.frame(mean = 7.26, sd = 1.5), # Body length in m, body_lt_pars = data.frame(mean = 0.39, sd = 0.005), # Proportion of birds at CRH prop_crh_pars = data.frame(mean = 0.06, sd = 0.009), # avoidance rate avoid_bsc_pars = data.frame(mean = 0.99, sd = 0.001), n_turbines = 150, n_blades = 3, # rotation speed in m/s of turbine blades rtn_speed_pars = data.frame(mean = 13.1, sd = 4), # pitch in degrees of turbine blades bld_pitch_pars = data.frame(mean = 3, sd = 0.3), # sd = 0, rotor radius is fixed rtr_radius_pars = data.frame(mean = 80, sd = 0), # sd = 0, blade width is fixed bld_width_pars = data.frame(mean = 8, sd = 0), wf_width = 100, wf_latitude = 54.1, prop_upwind = 0.5, flight_type = "flapping", # population flying through windfarm, popn_estim_pars = data.frame(mean = 21584, sd = 2023), season_specs = season_specs, chord_profile = chord_prof_5MW, trb_wind_avbl = windavb, trb_downtime_pars = dwntm, n_iter = 1000, LargeArrayCorrection = TRUE, log_file = NULL, seed = 1234, verbose = TRUE)
generate random samples from a beta distribution, parameterized as mean and sd, and returning NAs if conditions are not met
rbeta_dmp(n, p, sd)
rbeta_dmp(n, p, sd)
n |
An integer value. The number of samples to generate |
p |
A decimal value. The value used to calculate parameters for the beta distribution |
sd |
A decimal value. The standard deviation of the beta distribution to simulate |
a vector of samples values from the beta distribution
Sample rotor grids for generated_rotor_grids unit test
list of data frames
Wrapper of the msm::rtnorm() function, improving on outputs management and user feedback on edge cases
rtnorm_dmp(n, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf)
rtnorm_dmp(n, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf)
n |
An integer value. The number of samples to generate |
mean |
A decimal value. The mean for the truncated normal distribution |
sd |
A decimal value. The standard deviation of the distribution to simulate |
lower |
A decimal value. The lower limit for the distribution |
upper |
A decimal value. The upper limit for the distribution |
a vector of samples values from the truncated normal distribution
Generates the random samples of all the stochastic CRM parameters. For internal use.
sample_parameters( model_options, mod_mths, n_iter = 10, flt_speed_pars, body_lt_pars, wing_span_pars, avoid_bsc_pars, avoid_ext_pars, noct_act_pars, prop_crh_pars, bird_dens_opt = "tnorm", bird_dens_dt, gen_fhd_boots = NULL, site_fhd_boots = NULL, rtr_radius_pars, air_gap_pars, bld_width_pars, rtn_pitch_opt = "probDist", bld_pitch_pars, rtn_speed_pars, windspd_pars, rtn_pitch_windspd_dt, trb_wind_avbl, trb_downtime_pars, lrg_arr_corr )
sample_parameters( model_options, mod_mths, n_iter = 10, flt_speed_pars, body_lt_pars, wing_span_pars, avoid_bsc_pars, avoid_ext_pars, noct_act_pars, prop_crh_pars, bird_dens_opt = "tnorm", bird_dens_dt, gen_fhd_boots = NULL, site_fhd_boots = NULL, rtr_radius_pars, air_gap_pars, bld_width_pars, rtn_pitch_opt = "probDist", bld_pitch_pars, rtn_speed_pars, windspd_pars, rtn_pitch_windspd_dt, trb_wind_avbl, trb_downtime_pars, lrg_arr_corr )
model_options |
Character vector, the model options for calculating collision risk (see Details section below). |
mod_mths |
character vector, the names of months under modelling |
n_iter |
An integer. The number of iterations for the model simulation. |
flt_speed_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
body_lt_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
wing_span_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
avoid_bsc_pars , avoid_ext_pars
Single row data frames with columns
noct_act_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
prop_crh_pars |
Required only for model Option 1, a single row data
frame with columns |
bird_dens_opt |
Option for specifying the random sampling mechanism for bird densities:
bird_dens_dt |
A data frame with monthly estimates of bird density within the windfarm footprint, expressed as the number of daytime in-flight birds/km^2 per month. Data frame format requirements:
gen_fhd_boots |
Required only for model Options 2 and 3, a data frame
with bootstrap samples of flight height distributions (FHD) of the species
derived from general (country/regional level) data. FHD provides relative
frequency distribution of bird flights at 1-+
-metre height bands, starting
from sea surface. The first column must be named as NOTE: generic_fhd_bootstraps is a list object with generic FHD bootstrap estimates for 25 seabird species from Johnson et al (2014) doi:10.1111/1365-2664.12191 (see usage in Example Section below). |
site_fhd_boots |
Required only for model Option 4, a data frame similar
to |
rtr_radius_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
air_gap_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
bld_width_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
rtn_pitch_opt |
a character string, the option for specifying the sampling mechanism for rotation speed and blade pitch:
bld_pitch_pars |
Only required if |
rtn_speed_pars |
Only required if |
windspd_pars |
Only required if |
rtn_pitch_windspd_dt |
Only required if
trb_wind_avbl |
A data frame with the monthly estimates of operational wind availability. It must contain the columns:
trb_downtime_pars |
A data frame with monthly estimates of maintenance downtime, assumed to follow a tnorm-lw0 distribution. It must contain the following columns:
lrg_arr_corr |
Boolean value. If TRUE, the large array correction will be applied. This is a correction factor to account for the decay in bird density at later rows in wind farms with a large array of turbines. |
Collision risk can be calculated under 4 options, specified by model_options
Option 1 - Basic model with proportion at
collision risk height derived from site survey (prop_crh_surv
Option 2 - Basic model with proportion
at collision risk height derived from a generic flight height distribution
Option 3 - Extended model using a
generic flight height distribution (gen_fhd
Option 4 - Extended model using a
site-specific flight height distribution (site_fhd
Basic model - assumes a uniform distribution of bird flights at collision risk height (i.e. above the minimum and below the maximum height of the rotor blade).
Extended model - takes into account the distribution of bird flight heights at collision risk height.
A list object with each element comprising sampled values of given CRM parameter
bird_dens_dt <- data.frame( month = month.abb, mean = runif(12, 0.8, 1.5), sd = runif(12, 0.2, 0.3) ) # wind availability trb_wind_avbl <- data.frame( month = month.abb, pctg = runif(12, 85, 98) ) # maintenance downtime trb_downtime_pars <- data.frame( month = month.abb, mean = runif(12, 6, 10), sd = rep(2, 12)) # Wind speed relationships wind_rtn_ptch <- data.frame( wind_speed = seq_len(30), rtn_speed = 10/(30:1), bld_pitch = c(rep(90, 4), rep(0, 8), 5:22) ) bird_dens_opt <- "tnorm" ### extract and standardize month format from monthly data sets b_dens_mth <- switch (bird_dens_opt, tnorm = bird_dens_dt$month, resample = names(bird_dens_dt), qtiles = names(bird_dens_dt)[names(bird_dens_dt) != "p"] ) %>% format_months() dwntm_mth <- format_months(trb_downtime_pars$month) windav_mth <- format_months(trb_wind_avbl$month) ### Set months to model: only those in common amongst monthly data sets mod_mths <- Reduce(intersect, list(b_dens_mth, dwntm_mth, windav_mth)) ### Order chronologically mod_mths <- mod_mths[order(match(mod_mths, month.abb))] param_draws <- sample_parameters( model_options = c(1,2,3), n_iter = 10, mod_mths = mod_mths, flt_speed_pars = data.frame(mean=7.26,sd=1.5), body_lt_pars = data.frame(mean=0.39,sd=0.005), wing_span_pars = data.frame(mean=1.08,sd=0.04), avoid_bsc_pars = data.frame(mean=0.99,sd=0.001), avoid_ext_pars = data.frame(mean=0.96,sd=0.002), noct_act_pars = data.frame(mean=0.033,sd=0.005), prop_crh_pars = data.frame(mean=0.06,sd=0.009), bird_dens_opt = "tnorm", bird_dens_dt = bird_dens_dt, gen_fhd_boots = generic_fhd_bootstraps[[1]], site_fhd_boots = NULL, rtr_radius_pars = data.frame(mean=80,sd=0), air_gap_pars = data.frame(mean=36,sd=0), bld_width_pars = data.frame(mean=8,sd=0), rtn_pitch_opt = "windSpeedReltn", bld_pitch_pars = NULL, rtn_speed_pars = NULL, windspd_pars = data.frame(mean=7.74,sd=3), rtn_pitch_windspd_dt = wind_rtn_ptch, trb_wind_avbl = trb_wind_avbl, trb_downtime_pars = trb_downtime_pars, lrg_arr_corr = TRUE )
bird_dens_dt <- data.frame( month = month.abb, mean = runif(12, 0.8, 1.5), sd = runif(12, 0.2, 0.3) ) # wind availability trb_wind_avbl <- data.frame( month = month.abb, pctg = runif(12, 85, 98) ) # maintenance downtime trb_downtime_pars <- data.frame( month = month.abb, mean = runif(12, 6, 10), sd = rep(2, 12)) # Wind speed relationships wind_rtn_ptch <- data.frame( wind_speed = seq_len(30), rtn_speed = 10/(30:1), bld_pitch = c(rep(90, 4), rep(0, 8), 5:22) ) bird_dens_opt <- "tnorm" ### extract and standardize month format from monthly data sets b_dens_mth <- switch (bird_dens_opt, tnorm = bird_dens_dt$month, resample = names(bird_dens_dt), qtiles = names(bird_dens_dt)[names(bird_dens_dt) != "p"] ) %>% format_months() dwntm_mth <- format_months(trb_downtime_pars$month) windav_mth <- format_months(trb_wind_avbl$month) ### Set months to model: only those in common amongst monthly data sets mod_mths <- Reduce(intersect, list(b_dens_mth, dwntm_mth, windav_mth)) ### Order chronologically mod_mths <- mod_mths[order(match(mod_mths, month.abb))] param_draws <- sample_parameters( model_options = c(1,2,3), n_iter = 10, mod_mths = mod_mths, flt_speed_pars = data.frame(mean=7.26,sd=1.5), body_lt_pars = data.frame(mean=0.39,sd=0.005), wing_span_pars = data.frame(mean=1.08,sd=0.04), avoid_bsc_pars = data.frame(mean=0.99,sd=0.001), avoid_ext_pars = data.frame(mean=0.96,sd=0.002), noct_act_pars = data.frame(mean=0.033,sd=0.005), prop_crh_pars = data.frame(mean=0.06,sd=0.009), bird_dens_opt = "tnorm", bird_dens_dt = bird_dens_dt, gen_fhd_boots = generic_fhd_bootstraps[[1]], site_fhd_boots = NULL, rtr_radius_pars = data.frame(mean=80,sd=0), air_gap_pars = data.frame(mean=36,sd=0), bld_width_pars = data.frame(mean=8,sd=0), rtn_pitch_opt = "windSpeedReltn", bld_pitch_pars = NULL, rtn_speed_pars = NULL, windspd_pars = data.frame(mean=7.74,sd=3), rtn_pitch_windspd_dt = wind_rtn_ptch, trb_wind_avbl = trb_wind_avbl, trb_downtime_pars = trb_downtime_pars, lrg_arr_corr = TRUE )
Generate random draws from a set of quantiles, based on the empirical cumulative density function
sample_qtls(n, probs, qtls)
sample_qtls(n, probs, qtls)
n |
integer, the number of draws to generate |
probs |
numeric vector, the probabilities |
qtls |
numeric vector, the quantiles for the probabilities
specified in |
Based on the Inverse Transform Sampling technique, by sampling random probabilities from a uniform distribution and interpolate (cubic) the count samples from the percentiles provided by the user (taken as the empirical cumulative density function)
a numeric vector, with random draws of the approximated distribution underpinning the provided quantiles
Samples and aggregates appropriate data for a single wind turbine
sample_turbine_mCRM( rtn_speed_pars, bld_pitch_pars, rtr_radius_pars, bld_width_pars, season_specs, n_iter = 10, trb_wind_avbl, trb_downtime_pars )
sample_turbine_mCRM( rtn_speed_pars, bld_pitch_pars, rtr_radius_pars, bld_width_pars, season_specs, n_iter = 10, trb_wind_avbl, trb_downtime_pars )
rtn_speed_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
bld_pitch_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
rtr_radius_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
bld_width_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
season_specs |
A data frame defining the seasons for aggregating over collision estimates. It must comprise the following columns:
n_iter |
An integer value. The number of samples to generate |
trb_wind_avbl |
A data frame with the monthly estimates of operational wind availability. It must contain the columns:
trb_downtime_pars |
A data frame with monthly estimates of maintenance downtime, assumed to follow a tnorm-lw0 distribution. It must contain the following columns:
A data frame of all the information sampled for the turbine with nrow = n_iter
season_specs <- data.frame( season_id = c("PrBMigration", "PoBMigration","OMigration"), start_month = c("Mar", "May", "Oct"), end_month = c("Apr", "Sep", "Feb") ) windavb <- data.frame( month = month.abb, pctg = runif(12, 85, 98) ) dwntm <- data.frame( month = month.abb, mean = runif(12, 6, 10), sd = rep(2, 12)) sample_turbine_mCRM(rtn_speed_pars = data.frame(mean = 13.1, sd = 4), bld_pitch_pars = data.frame(mean = 3, sd = 0.3), rtr_radius_pars = data.frame(mean = 80, sd = 0), bld_width_pars = data.frame(mean = 8, sd = 0), season_specs = season_specs, n_iter = 10, trb_wind_avbl = windavb, trb_downtime_pars = dwntm)
season_specs <- data.frame( season_id = c("PrBMigration", "PoBMigration","OMigration"), start_month = c("Mar", "May", "Oct"), end_month = c("Apr", "Sep", "Feb") ) windavb <- data.frame( month = month.abb, pctg = runif(12, 85, 98) ) dwntm <- data.frame( month = month.abb, mean = runif(12, 6, 10), sd = rep(2, 12)) sample_turbine_mCRM(rtn_speed_pars = data.frame(mean = 13.1, sd = 4), bld_pitch_pars = data.frame(mean = 3, sd = 0.3), rtr_radius_pars = data.frame(mean = 80, sd = 0), bld_width_pars = data.frame(mean = 8, sd = 0), season_specs = season_specs, n_iter = 10, trb_wind_avbl = windavb, trb_downtime_pars = dwntm)
Samples a dataset based on inputs for either the rtnorm, rbeta or 'rnorm' distributions
sampler_hd( dat, mode = "rtnorm", n = NULL, mean = NULL, sd = NULL, lower = 0, upper = NULL )
sampler_hd( dat, mode = "rtnorm", n = NULL, mean = NULL, sd = NULL, lower = 0, upper = NULL )
dat |
= A decimal value. The SD value to test (from the UI) - if not available in the UI, then do not create a distribution |
mode |
= A string. Either 'rtnorm', 'rbeta' or 'rnorm' to determine which distribution to generate |
n |
An integer value. The number of samples to generate |
mean |
A decimal value. The mean for the truncated normal distribution |
sd |
A decimal value. The standard deviation of the distribution to simulate |
lower |
A decimal value. The lower limit for the distribution |
upper |
A decimal value. The upper limit for the distribution |
a vector of samples values from the distribution
sampler_hd(dat=0.1, mode='rtnorm', n=100, mean=9, sd=0.1)
sampler_hd(dat=0.1, mode='rtnorm', n=100, mean=9, sd=0.1)
Generate sequence of months
seq_months(start_month, end_month)
seq_months(start_month, end_month)
start_month |
character string, the three-letter name of the starting month. |
end_month |
character string, the three-letter name of the finishing month. |
character vector. The list of months that falls in between two months
seq_months("Jan", "Apr")
seq_months("Jan", "Apr")
Runs a Stochastic Collision Risk Model (SCRM) for estimating the number of in-flight collisions with offshore windfarm turbines, for given species and windfarm scenario. Core calculations follow the work developed by Masden (2015). See Background and Updates section below for more details.
stoch_crm( model_options = c("1", "2", "3", "4"), n_iter = 1000, flt_speed_pars, body_lt_pars, wing_span_pars, avoid_bsc_pars = NULL, avoid_ext_pars = NULL, noct_act_pars, prop_crh_pars = NULL, bird_dens_opt = c("tnorm", "resample", "qtiles"), bird_dens_dt, flight_type, prop_upwind, gen_fhd_boots = NULL, site_fhd_boots = NULL, n_blades, air_gap_pars, rtr_radius_pars, bld_width_pars, bld_chord_prf = chord_prof_5MW, rtn_pitch_opt = c("probDist", "windSpeedReltn"), bld_pitch_pars = NULL, rtn_speed_pars = NULL, windspd_pars = NULL, rtn_pitch_windspd_dt = NULL, trb_wind_avbl, trb_downtime_pars, wf_n_trbs, wf_width, wf_latitude, tidal_offset, lrg_arr_corr = TRUE, xinc = 0.05, yinc = 0.05, out_format = c("draws", "summaries"), out_sampled_pars = FALSE, out_period = c("months", "seasons", "annum"), season_specs = NULL, verbose = TRUE, log_file = NULL, seed = NULL )
stoch_crm( model_options = c("1", "2", "3", "4"), n_iter = 1000, flt_speed_pars, body_lt_pars, wing_span_pars, avoid_bsc_pars = NULL, avoid_ext_pars = NULL, noct_act_pars, prop_crh_pars = NULL, bird_dens_opt = c("tnorm", "resample", "qtiles"), bird_dens_dt, flight_type, prop_upwind, gen_fhd_boots = NULL, site_fhd_boots = NULL, n_blades, air_gap_pars, rtr_radius_pars, bld_width_pars, bld_chord_prf = chord_prof_5MW, rtn_pitch_opt = c("probDist", "windSpeedReltn"), bld_pitch_pars = NULL, rtn_speed_pars = NULL, windspd_pars = NULL, rtn_pitch_windspd_dt = NULL, trb_wind_avbl, trb_downtime_pars, wf_n_trbs, wf_width, wf_latitude, tidal_offset, lrg_arr_corr = TRUE, xinc = 0.05, yinc = 0.05, out_format = c("draws", "summaries"), out_sampled_pars = FALSE, out_period = c("months", "seasons", "annum"), season_specs = NULL, verbose = TRUE, log_file = NULL, seed = NULL )
model_options |
Character vector, the model options for calculating collision risk (see Details section below). |
n_iter |
An integer. The number of iterations for the model simulation. |
flt_speed_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
body_lt_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
wing_span_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
avoid_bsc_pars , avoid_ext_pars
Single row data frames with columns
noct_act_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
prop_crh_pars |
Required only for model Option 1, a single row data
frame with columns |
bird_dens_opt |
Option for specifying the random sampling mechanism for bird densities:
bird_dens_dt |
A data frame with monthly estimates of bird density within the windfarm footprint, expressed as the number of daytime in-flight birds/km^2 per month. Data frame format requirements:
flight_type |
A character string, either 'flapping' or 'gliding', indicating the species' characteristic flight type. |
prop_upwind |
Numeric value between 0-1 giving the proportion of flights upwind - defaults to 0.5. |
gen_fhd_boots |
Required only for model Options 2 and 3, a data frame
with bootstrap samples of flight height distributions (FHD) of the species
derived from general (country/regional level) data. FHD provides relative
frequency distribution of bird flights at 1-+
-metre height bands, starting
from sea surface. The first column must be named as NOTE: generic_fhd_bootstraps is a list object with generic FHD bootstrap estimates for 25 seabird species from Johnson et al (2014) doi:10.1111/1365-2664.12191 (see usage in Example Section below). |
site_fhd_boots |
Required only for model Option 4, a data frame similar
to |
n_blades |
An integer, the number of blades in rotor ( |
air_gap_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
rtr_radius_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
bld_width_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
bld_chord_prf |
A data frame with the chord taper profile of the rotor blade. It must contain the columns:
Defaults to a generic profile for a typical modern 5MW turbine. See
rtn_pitch_opt |
a character string, the option for specifying the sampling mechanism for rotation speed and blade pitch:
bld_pitch_pars |
Only required if |
rtn_speed_pars |
Only required if |
windspd_pars |
Only required if |
rtn_pitch_windspd_dt |
Only required if
trb_wind_avbl |
A data frame with the monthly estimates of operational wind availability. It must contain the columns:
trb_downtime_pars |
A data frame with monthly estimates of maintenance downtime, assumed to follow a tnorm-lw0 distribution. It must contain the following columns:
wf_n_trbs |
Integer, the number of turbines on the windfarm. |
wf_width |
Numeric value, the approximate longitudinal width of the
wind farm, in kilometres ( |
wf_latitude |
A decimal value. The latitude of the centroid of the windfarm, in degrees. |
tidal_offset |
A numeric value, the tidal offset, the difference between HAT and mean sea level, in metres. |
lrg_arr_corr |
Boolean value. If TRUE, the large array correction will be applied. This is a correction factor to account for the decay in bird density at later rows in wind farms with a large array of turbines. |
yinc , xinc
numeric values, the increments along the y-axis and x-axis for numerical integration across segments of the rotor circle. Chosen values express proportion of rotor radius. By default these are set to 0.05, i.e. integration will be performed at a resolution of one twentieth of the rotor radius. |
out_format |
Output format specification. Possible values are:
out_sampled_pars |
Logical, whether to output summary statistics of values sampled for each stochastic model parameter. |
out_period |
Controls level of temporal aggregation of collision outputs. Possible values are:
season_specs |
Only required if
verbose |
Logical, print model run progress on the console? |
log_file |
Path to log file to store session info and main model run options. If set to NULL (default value), log file is not created. |
seed |
Integer, the random seed for random number generation, for analysis reproducibility. |
Collision risk can be calculated under 4 options, specified by model_options
Option 1 - Basic model with proportion at
collision risk height derived from site survey (prop_crh_surv
Option 2 - Basic model with proportion
at collision risk height derived from a generic flight height distribution
Option 3 - Extended model using a
generic flight height distribution (gen_fhd
Option 4 - Extended model using a
site-specific flight height distribution (site_fhd
Basic model - assumes a uniform distribution of bird flights at collision risk height (i.e. above the minimum and below the maximum height of the rotor blade).
Extended model - takes into account the distribution of bird flight heights at collision risk height.
If out_sampled_pars = FALSE
, returns a list with estimates of number of
collisions per chosen time periods, with elements containing the outputs for
each CRM Option.
If out_sampled_pars = TRUE
, returns a list object with two top-level
, a list comprising collision estimates for each CRM Option,
, a list with summary statistics of values sampled for
stochastic model parameters.
# ------------------------------------------------------ # Run with arbitrary parameter values, for illustration # ------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------ # Setting some of the required inputs upfront b_dens <- data.frame( month = month.abb, mean = runif(12, 0.8, 1.5), sd = runif(12, 0.2, 0.3) ) head(b_dens) # Generic FHD bootstraps from Johnson et al (2014) fhd_boots <- generic_fhd_bootstraps[[1]] head(fhd_boots) # wind speed vs rotation speed vs blade pitch wind_rtn_ptch <- data.frame( wind_speed = seq_len(30), rtn_speed = 10/(30:1), bld_pitch = c(rep(90, 4), rep(0, 8), 5:22) ) head(wind_rtn_ptch) # wind availability windavb <- data.frame( month = month.abb, pctg = runif(12, 85, 98) ) head(windavb) # maintenance downtime dwntm <- data.frame( month = month.abb, mean = runif(12, 6, 10), sd = rep(2, 12)) head(dwntm) # seasons specification seas_dt <- data.frame( season_id = c("a", "b", "c"), start_month = c("Jan", "May", "Oct"), end_month = c("Apr", "Sep", "Dec") ) head(seas_dt) # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Run stochastic CRM, treating rotor radius, air gap and # blade width as fixed parameters (i.e. not stochastic) stoch_crm( model_options = c(1, 2, 3), n_iter = 1000, flt_speed_pars = data.frame(mean = 7.26, sd = 1.5), body_lt_pars = data.frame(mean = 0.39, sd = 0.005), wing_span_pars = data.frame(mean = 1.08, sd = 0.04), avoid_bsc_pars = data.frame(mean = 0.99, sd = 0.001), avoid_ext_pars = data.frame(mean = 0.96, sd = 0.002), noct_act_pars = data.frame(mean = 0.033, sd = 0.005), prop_crh_pars = data.frame(mean = 0.06, sd = 0.009), bird_dens_opt = "tnorm", bird_dens_dt = b_dens, flight_type = "flapping", prop_upwind = 0.5, gen_fhd_boots = fhd_boots, n_blades = 3, rtr_radius_pars = data.frame(mean = 80, sd = 0), # sd = 0, rotor radius is fixed air_gap_pars = data.frame(mean = 36, sd = 0), # sd = 0, air gap is fixed bld_width_pars = data.frame(mean = 8, sd = 0), # sd = 0, blade width is fixed rtn_pitch_opt = "windSpeedReltn", windspd_pars = data.frame(mean = 7.74, sd = 3), rtn_pitch_windspd_dt = wind_rtn_ptch, trb_wind_avbl = windavb, trb_downtime_pars = dwntm, wf_n_trbs = 200, wf_width = 15, wf_latitude = 56.9, tidal_offset = 2.5, lrg_arr_corr = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, seed = 1234, out_format = "summaries", out_sampled_pars = TRUE, out_period = "seasons", season_specs = seas_dt, log_file = file.path(getwd(), "scrm_example.log") )
# ------------------------------------------------------ # Run with arbitrary parameter values, for illustration # ------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------ # Setting some of the required inputs upfront b_dens <- data.frame( month = month.abb, mean = runif(12, 0.8, 1.5), sd = runif(12, 0.2, 0.3) ) head(b_dens) # Generic FHD bootstraps from Johnson et al (2014) fhd_boots <- generic_fhd_bootstraps[[1]] head(fhd_boots) # wind speed vs rotation speed vs blade pitch wind_rtn_ptch <- data.frame( wind_speed = seq_len(30), rtn_speed = 10/(30:1), bld_pitch = c(rep(90, 4), rep(0, 8), 5:22) ) head(wind_rtn_ptch) # wind availability windavb <- data.frame( month = month.abb, pctg = runif(12, 85, 98) ) head(windavb) # maintenance downtime dwntm <- data.frame( month = month.abb, mean = runif(12, 6, 10), sd = rep(2, 12)) head(dwntm) # seasons specification seas_dt <- data.frame( season_id = c("a", "b", "c"), start_month = c("Jan", "May", "Oct"), end_month = c("Apr", "Sep", "Dec") ) head(seas_dt) # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Run stochastic CRM, treating rotor radius, air gap and # blade width as fixed parameters (i.e. not stochastic) stoch_crm( model_options = c(1, 2, 3), n_iter = 1000, flt_speed_pars = data.frame(mean = 7.26, sd = 1.5), body_lt_pars = data.frame(mean = 0.39, sd = 0.005), wing_span_pars = data.frame(mean = 1.08, sd = 0.04), avoid_bsc_pars = data.frame(mean = 0.99, sd = 0.001), avoid_ext_pars = data.frame(mean = 0.96, sd = 0.002), noct_act_pars = data.frame(mean = 0.033, sd = 0.005), prop_crh_pars = data.frame(mean = 0.06, sd = 0.009), bird_dens_opt = "tnorm", bird_dens_dt = b_dens, flight_type = "flapping", prop_upwind = 0.5, gen_fhd_boots = fhd_boots, n_blades = 3, rtr_radius_pars = data.frame(mean = 80, sd = 0), # sd = 0, rotor radius is fixed air_gap_pars = data.frame(mean = 36, sd = 0), # sd = 0, air gap is fixed bld_width_pars = data.frame(mean = 8, sd = 0), # sd = 0, blade width is fixed rtn_pitch_opt = "windSpeedReltn", windspd_pars = data.frame(mean = 7.74, sd = 3), rtn_pitch_windspd_dt = wind_rtn_ptch, trb_wind_avbl = windavb, trb_downtime_pars = dwntm, wf_n_trbs = 200, wf_width = 15, wf_latitude = 56.9, tidal_offset = 2.5, lrg_arr_corr = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, seed = 1234, out_format = "summaries", out_sampled_pars = TRUE, out_period = "seasons", season_specs = seas_dt, log_file = file.path(getwd(), "scrm_example.log") )
stochLAB is a tool to run stochastic (and deterministic) Collision Risk Models (CRM) for seabirds on offshore wind farms.
The main functions of stochLAB are:
: Stochastic Collision Risk Model,
: Deterministic Collision Risk Model,
: Stochastic Migration Collision risk Model
The {stochLAB}
package is an adaptation of the R code
developed by Masden (2015)
to incorporate variability and uncertainty in the avian collision risk model
originally developed by Band (2012).
Code developed under {stochLAB}
substantially re-factored and re-structured
Masden's (heavily script-based) implementation into a user-friendly,
streamlined, well documented and easily distributed tool. Furthermore, this
package lays down the code infrastructure for easier incorporation of new
functionality, e.g. extra parameter sampling features, model expansions,
Previous code underpinning key calculations for the extended model has been
replaced by an alternative approach, resulting in significant gains in
computational speed over Masden's code. This optimization
is particularly beneficial under a stochastic context, when Band calculations
are computed repeatedly. See generate_rotor_grids()
for further details.
is essentially a replacement function for script BandModel.r
in Masden's approach. Main changes in terms of user interface include:
Collision model runs for one single scenario (i.e. one species for one
turbine scenario) at each stoch_crm()
call. Apart from gains in development
code structure, this unit-based approach was considered to offer greater end
user flexibility for setting up and managing multiple scenarios (including
parallel computation).
Input parameters now entered explicitly into feature-specific arguments, instead of bundled together into wide-column tables. This improves code readability and reduces the quantity of hard-coded parameter names, therefore making referencing errors less likely.
Outputs no longer saved automatically to external files.
now provides an option for user-defined seasonal outputs, allowing
for country/region specific seasonal definitions.
Currently implemented CRM calculations produce collision estimates on a monthly basis to reflect changing bird abundance within the windfarm area. Seasonal estimates are obtained by aggregating monthly estimates over each season definition, with uncertainty in collision estimates being suitably propagated to seasonal outputs.
Masden's implementation used Normal and Truncated Normal distributions to generate random parameter values. However, the Normal distribution is unbounded, and so there was the risk of randomly drawing inappropriate values in some cases.
extends the use of bounded probability distributions to all model
parameters. Strictly positive features (e.g. bird densities, body length,
turbine downtime, etc.) are sampled from Truncated Normal distributions, while
features constrained between 0 and 1 (e.g. nocturnal activity, proportion
of flights at collision risk height, etc) are assumed to follow Beta
In addition, new functionality has been incorporated to allow the use of bird density resamples (e.g. bootstrap samples) or quantile estimates from density estimation models in the simulations.
performs the core CRM calculations required to estimate the
number of collisions, as per Band (2012).
While being the computing workhorse of the stoch_crm()
function, it can
also be used alone, providing backward compatibility with the original Band
spreadsheet outputs.
Useful links:
Report bugs at https://github.com/HiDef-Aerial-Surveying/stochLAB/issues
# ------------------------------------------------------ # Run with arbitrary parameter values, for illustration # ------------------------------------------------------ # Setting a dataframe of parameters to draw from params <- data.frame( flight_speed = 13.1, # Flight speed in m/s body_lt = 0.85, # Body length in m wing_span = 1.01, # Wing span in m flight_type = "flapping", # flapping or gliding flight avoid_rt_basic = 0.989, # avoidance rate for option 1 and 2 avoid_rt_ext = 0.981, # extended avoidance rate for option 3 and 4 noct_activity = 0.5, # proportion of day birds are inactive prop_crh_surv = 0.13, # proportion of birds at collision risk height (option 1 only) prop_upwind = 0.5, # proportion of flights that are upwind rotor_speed = 15, # rotor speed in m/s rotor_radius = 120, # radius of turbine in m blade_width = 5, # width of turbine blades at thickest point in m blade_pitch = 15, # mean radius pitch in Radians n_blades = 3, # total number of blades per turbine hub_height = 150, # height of hub in m above HAT n_turbines = 100, # number of turbines in the wind farm wf_width = 52, # width across longest section of wind farm wf_latitude = 56, # latitude of centroid of wind farm tidal_offset = 2.5, # mean tidal offset from HAT of the wind farm lrg_arr_corr = TRUE # apply a large array correction? ) # Monthly bird densities b_dens <- data.frame( month = month.abb, dens = runif(12, 0.8, 1.5) ) # flight height distribution from Johnston et al gen_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>% dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>% dplyr::select(height,prop) # monthly operational time of the wind farm turb_oper <- data.frame( month = month.abb, prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8) ) band_crm( model_options = c(1,2,3), flight_speed = params$flight_speed, body_lt = params$body_lt, wing_span = params$wing_span, flight_type = params$flight_type, avoid_rt_basic = params$avoid_rt_basic, avoid_rt_ext = params$avoid_rt_ext, noct_activity = params$noct_activity, prop_crh_surv = params$prop_crh_surv, dens_month = b_dens, prop_upwind = params$prop_upwind, gen_fhd = gen_fhd_dat, site_fhd = NULL, # Option 4 only rotor_speed = params$rotor_speed, rotor_radius = params$rotor_radius, blade_width = params$blade_width, blade_pitch = params$blade_pitch, n_blades = params$n_blades, hub_height = params$hub_height, chord_prof = chord_prof_5MW, n_turbines = params$n_turbines, turb_oper_month = turb_oper, wf_width = params$wf_width, wf_latitude = params$wf_latitude, tidal_offset = params$tidal_offset, lrg_arr_corr = params$lrg_arr_corr )
# ------------------------------------------------------ # Run with arbitrary parameter values, for illustration # ------------------------------------------------------ # Setting a dataframe of parameters to draw from params <- data.frame( flight_speed = 13.1, # Flight speed in m/s body_lt = 0.85, # Body length in m wing_span = 1.01, # Wing span in m flight_type = "flapping", # flapping or gliding flight avoid_rt_basic = 0.989, # avoidance rate for option 1 and 2 avoid_rt_ext = 0.981, # extended avoidance rate for option 3 and 4 noct_activity = 0.5, # proportion of day birds are inactive prop_crh_surv = 0.13, # proportion of birds at collision risk height (option 1 only) prop_upwind = 0.5, # proportion of flights that are upwind rotor_speed = 15, # rotor speed in m/s rotor_radius = 120, # radius of turbine in m blade_width = 5, # width of turbine blades at thickest point in m blade_pitch = 15, # mean radius pitch in Radians n_blades = 3, # total number of blades per turbine hub_height = 150, # height of hub in m above HAT n_turbines = 100, # number of turbines in the wind farm wf_width = 52, # width across longest section of wind farm wf_latitude = 56, # latitude of centroid of wind farm tidal_offset = 2.5, # mean tidal offset from HAT of the wind farm lrg_arr_corr = TRUE # apply a large array correction? ) # Monthly bird densities b_dens <- data.frame( month = month.abb, dens = runif(12, 0.8, 1.5) ) # flight height distribution from Johnston et al gen_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>% dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>% dplyr::select(height,prop) # monthly operational time of the wind farm turb_oper <- data.frame( month = month.abb, prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8) ) band_crm( model_options = c(1,2,3), flight_speed = params$flight_speed, body_lt = params$body_lt, wing_span = params$wing_span, flight_type = params$flight_type, avoid_rt_basic = params$avoid_rt_basic, avoid_rt_ext = params$avoid_rt_ext, noct_activity = params$noct_activity, prop_crh_surv = params$prop_crh_surv, dens_month = b_dens, prop_upwind = params$prop_upwind, gen_fhd = gen_fhd_dat, site_fhd = NULL, # Option 4 only rotor_speed = params$rotor_speed, rotor_radius = params$rotor_radius, blade_width = params$blade_width, blade_pitch = params$blade_pitch, n_blades = params$n_blades, hub_height = params$hub_height, chord_prof = chord_prof_5MW, n_turbines = params$n_turbines, turb_oper_month = turb_oper, wf_width = params$wf_width, wf_latitude = params$wf_latitude, tidal_offset = params$tidal_offset, lrg_arr_corr = params$lrg_arr_corr )
A data frame of (fake) data on turbine and wind farm features for 3 scenarios.
A 3 x 51 data frame, with the turbine and windfarm parameters (columns) for each of the 3 development scenarios (rows). Columns include:
The turbine/windfarm scenario ID
Nr of blades
Mean of rotor radius
SD of rotor radius
Mean of air gap, the distance between sea surface and lowest tip height.
SD of air gap, as explained above.
Intended to illustrate the application of stoch_scrm()
to a multiple
scenario setting, where parameter data is available from tables in wide format.
Input validator
validate_inputs( model_options, n_iter = NULL, flt_speed_pars = NULL, flight_speed = NULL, body_lt_pars = NULL, body_lt = NULL, wing_span_pars = NULL, wing_span = NULL, avoid_bsc_pars = NULL, avoid_rt_basic = NULL, avoid_ext_pars = NULL, avoid_rt_ext = NULL, noct_act_pars = NULL, noct_activity = NULL, prop_crh_pars = NULL, bird_dens_opt = NULL, bird_dens_dt = NULL, chord_prof = NULL, dens_month = NULL, turb_oper_month = NULL, flight_type = NULL, prop_upwind = NULL, gen_fhd_boots = NULL, site_fhd_boots = NULL, n_blades = NULL, air_gap_pars = NULL, rtr_radius_pars = NULL, rotor_radius = NULL, blade_width = NULL, blade_pitch = NULL, hub_height = NULL, bld_width_pars = NULL, rtn_pitch_opt = NULL, bld_pitch_pars = NULL, rtn_speed_pars = NULL, rotor_speed = NULL, n_turbines = NULL, windspd_pars = NULL, rtn_pitch_windspd_dt = NULL, trb_wind_avbl = NULL, trb_downtime_pars = NULL, wf_n_trbs = NULL, wf_width = NULL, wf_latitude = NULL, tidal_offset = NULL, gen_fhd = NULL, site_fhd = NULL, lrg_arr_corr = NULL, xinc = NULL, yinc = NULL, seed = NULL, verbose = NULL, out_format = NULL, out_sampled_pars = NULL, out_period = NULL, season_specs = NULL, popn_estim_pars = NULL, fn = "scrm" )
validate_inputs( model_options, n_iter = NULL, flt_speed_pars = NULL, flight_speed = NULL, body_lt_pars = NULL, body_lt = NULL, wing_span_pars = NULL, wing_span = NULL, avoid_bsc_pars = NULL, avoid_rt_basic = NULL, avoid_ext_pars = NULL, avoid_rt_ext = NULL, noct_act_pars = NULL, noct_activity = NULL, prop_crh_pars = NULL, bird_dens_opt = NULL, bird_dens_dt = NULL, chord_prof = NULL, dens_month = NULL, turb_oper_month = NULL, flight_type = NULL, prop_upwind = NULL, gen_fhd_boots = NULL, site_fhd_boots = NULL, n_blades = NULL, air_gap_pars = NULL, rtr_radius_pars = NULL, rotor_radius = NULL, blade_width = NULL, blade_pitch = NULL, hub_height = NULL, bld_width_pars = NULL, rtn_pitch_opt = NULL, bld_pitch_pars = NULL, rtn_speed_pars = NULL, rotor_speed = NULL, n_turbines = NULL, windspd_pars = NULL, rtn_pitch_windspd_dt = NULL, trb_wind_avbl = NULL, trb_downtime_pars = NULL, wf_n_trbs = NULL, wf_width = NULL, wf_latitude = NULL, tidal_offset = NULL, gen_fhd = NULL, site_fhd = NULL, lrg_arr_corr = NULL, xinc = NULL, yinc = NULL, seed = NULL, verbose = NULL, out_format = NULL, out_sampled_pars = NULL, out_period = NULL, season_specs = NULL, popn_estim_pars = NULL, fn = "scrm" )
model_options |
Character vector, the model options for calculating collision risk (see Details section below). |
n_iter |
An integer. The number of iterations for the model simulation. |
flt_speed_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
flight_speed |
Numeric value. The bird flying speed ( |
body_lt_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
body_lt |
Numeric value. The length of the bird ( |
wing_span_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
wing_span |
Numeric value. The wingspan of the bird ( |
avoid_bsc_pars , avoid_ext_pars
Single row data frames with columns
avoid_rt_basic , avoid_rt_ext
Numeric values. The avoidance rate for, respectively, the basic model (i.e. required for model Options 1 and 2) and the extended model (i.e. required for Options 3 and 4). Avoidance rate expresses the probability that a bird flying on a collision course with a turbine will take evading action to avoid collision. |
noct_act_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
noct_activity |
A numeric value. The nocturnal flight activity level,
expressed as a proportion of daytime activity levels ( |
prop_crh_pars |
Required only for model Option 1, a single row data
frame with columns |
bird_dens_opt |
Option for specifying the random sampling mechanism for bird densities:
bird_dens_dt |
A data frame with monthly estimates of bird density within the windfarm footprint, expressed as the number of daytime in-flight birds/km^2 per month. Data frame format requirements:
chord_prof |
A data frame with the chord taper profile of the rotor blade. Function expects two named columns:
Defaults to a generic profile for a typical modern 5MW turbine. See
dens_month |
Data frame, containing estimates of daytime in-flight bird densities per month within the windfarm footprint, in birds/km^2. It must contain the following named columns:
turb_oper_month |
Data frame, holding the proportion of time during which turbines are operational per month. The following named column are expected:
flight_type |
A character string, either 'flapping' or 'gliding', indicating the species' characteristic flight type. |
prop_upwind |
Numeric value between 0-1 giving the proportion of flights upwind - defaults to 0.5. |
gen_fhd_boots |
Required only for model Options 2 and 3, a data frame
with bootstrap samples of flight height distributions (FHD) of the species
derived from general (country/regional level) data. FHD provides relative
frequency distribution of bird flights at 1-+
-metre height bands, starting
from sea surface. The first column must be named as NOTE: generic_fhd_bootstraps is a list object with generic FHD bootstrap estimates for 25 seabird species from Johnson et al (2014) doi:10.1111/1365-2664.12191 (see usage in Example Section below). |
site_fhd_boots |
Required only for model Option 4, a data frame similar
to |
n_blades |
An integer, the number of blades in rotor ( |
air_gap_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
rtr_radius_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
rotor_radius |
Numeric value. The radius of the rotor ( |
blade_width |
Numeric value, giving the maximum blade width, in metres. |
blade_pitch |
Numeric value. The average blade pitch angle, the angle
between the blade surface and the rotor plane ( |
hub_height |
A numeric value, the height of the rotor hub ( |
bld_width_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
rtn_pitch_opt |
a character string, the option for specifying the sampling mechanism for rotation speed and blade pitch:
bld_pitch_pars |
Only required if |
rtn_speed_pars |
Only required if |
rotor_speed |
Numeric value. The operational rotation speed, in revolutions/min. |
n_turbines |
Integer, the number of turbines on the wind farm
( |
windspd_pars |
Only required if |
rtn_pitch_windspd_dt |
Only required if
trb_wind_avbl |
A data frame with the monthly estimates of operational wind availability. It must contain the columns:
trb_downtime_pars |
A data frame with monthly estimates of maintenance downtime, assumed to follow a tnorm-lw0 distribution. It must contain the following columns:
wf_n_trbs |
Integer, the number of turbines on the windfarm. |
wf_width |
Numeric value, the approximate longitudinal width of the
wind farm, in kilometres ( |
wf_latitude |
A decimal value. The latitude of the centroid of the windfarm, in degrees. |
tidal_offset |
A numeric value, the tidal offset, the difference between HAT and mean sea level, in metres. |
gen_fhd , site_fhd
Data frame objects, with flight height distributions (fhd) of the species - the relative frequency distribution of bird flights at 1-metre height intervals from sea surface. Specifically:
Data frames must contain the following named columns:
lrg_arr_corr |
Boolean value. If TRUE, the large array correction will be applied. This is a correction factor to account for the decay in bird density at later rows in wind farms with a large array of turbines. |
yinc , xinc
numeric values, the increments along the y-axis and x-axis for numerical integration across segments of the rotor circle. Chosen values express proportion of rotor radius. By default these are set to 0.05, i.e. integration will be performed at a resolution of one twentieth of the rotor radius. |
seed |
Integer, the random seed for random number generation, for analysis reproducibility. |
verbose |
Logical, print model run progress on the console? |
out_format |
Output format specification. Possible values are:
out_sampled_pars |
Logical, whether to output summary statistics of values sampled for each stochastic model parameter. |
out_period |
Controls level of temporal aggregation of collision outputs. Possible values are:
season_specs |
Only required if
popn_estim_pars |
A single row data frame with columns |
fn |
a character string specifying the parent function whose inputs are being checked:
Nothing returned from this function
validate_inputs(model_options=c(1), avoid_bsc_pars=data.frame(mean=0.99,sd=0.001), prop_crh_pars=data.frame(mean=0.01,sd=0.01), air_gap_pars = data.frame(mean=21,sd=0), rtr_radius_pars = data.frame(mean=100,sd=0), bld_pitch_pars = data.frame(mean=15,sd=0), rtn_pitch_opt = "probDist", rtn_speed_pars = data.frame(mean=14,sd=5), out_period = "months", lrg_arr_corr = TRUE, fn="scrm")
validate_inputs(model_options=c(1), avoid_bsc_pars=data.frame(mean=0.99,sd=0.001), prop_crh_pars=data.frame(mean=0.01,sd=0.01), air_gap_pars = data.frame(mean=21,sd=0), rtr_radius_pars = data.frame(mean=100,sd=0), bld_pitch_pars = data.frame(mean=15,sd=0), rtn_pitch_opt = "probDist", rtn_speed_pars = data.frame(mean=14,sd=5), out_period = "months", lrg_arr_corr = TRUE, fn="scrm")
Intended to illustrate the application of stoch_scrm()
A 30 x 3 data frame with columns:
Wind speed in metres per second.
Blade rotation speed, in revolutions per minute
Blade pitch, in degrees