1. stochLAB::Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS
    Summarized flight height profiles from Johnston et al (2014)
  2. stochLAB::band_spreadsheet_dt
    Parameter values and outputs from Band's Collision Risk spreadsheet ("Final_Report_SOSS02_BandSpreadSheetWorkedExampl1.xlsm")
  3. stochLAB::band_spreadsheet_dt_2
    Parameter values and outputs from Band's Collision Risk spreadsheet, example nr. 2
  4. stochLAB::bird_pars_wide_example
    Example of bird parameters stored in wide format
  5. stochLAB::chord_prof_5MW
    Rotor blade chord profile
  6. stochLAB::dens_tnorm_wide_example
    Example of Truncated Normal parameters for monthly estimates of bird density
  7. stochLAB::generic_fhd_bootstraps
    Bootstrap samples of generic FHDs of 25 seabird species
  8. stochLAB::rotor_grids_test
    Sample rotor grids for generated_rotor_grids unit test
  9. stochLAB::turb_pars_wide_example
    Example of turbine and windfarm parameters stored in wide format
  10. stochLAB::wndspd_rtn_ptch_example
    Example of data with relationship between wind speed, rotation speed and blade pitch