stochLAB - Stochastic Collision Risk Model
Collision Risk Models for avian fauna (seabird and migratory birds) at offshore wind farms. The base deterministic model is derived from Band (2012) <https://tethys.pnnl.gov/publications/using-collision-risk-model-assess-bird-collision-risks-offshore-wind-farms>. This was further expanded on by Masden (2015) <doi:10.7489/1659-1> and code used here is heavily derived from this work with input from Dr A. Cook at the British Trust for Ornithology. These collision risk models are useful for marine ornithologists who are working in the offshore wind industry, particularly in UK waters. However, many of the species included in the stochastic collision risk models (stoch_crm) can also be found in the North Atlantic in the United States and Canada, and could be applied there.
Last updated 2 years ago
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